Game of Thrones’ cast included a great number of actors and actresses who can be described as the most down-to-earth celebrities. Jason Momoa, who played Khal...
The TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman is one of DC’s most highly anticipated projects. The Netflix series garnered quite some attention, as it includes...
The sparkling world of celebrities is fashion prone, with all the latest items from the greatest brands right at their disposal. Even though the style statement...
Jason Momoa is one of the most down-to-earth actors in the entertainment industry. He has been through lots of ups and downs in his acting career,...
Game of Thrones remains the most successful show to have ever filmed on television. It set the bar for television filming really high, with record viewership...
The fiercest warriors leave a lasting presence to those who have witnessed them in a fight. Lots of fans look up to them as their idol,...
Well, as we all know already, American politics is no stranger to being the butt of jokes, and the only other place with politics that are...
Dragons are believed to be intrinsically tied to magic in the world. Since the death of the last dragon in 153 AC, summers grew shorter and...
The showrunners of Game of Thrones used it as a platform to project atrocities against women that even occur to this day. Game of Thrones showcased...
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game has successfully incorporated the elements of the fantasy show into a video game. The game launched its mobile version...