Game of Thrones serves as a strong reminder of how a masterpiece show was run to the ground by a series of bad decisions. The final...
Game of Thrones was one of the biggest TV shows of the 21st century, and its slate of accolades and tributes is a testament to that....
Game of Thrones was a life-changing experience for both the cast of the show and its viewers. Several of the celebrities moved on to new projects...
There are hundreds of individuals battling for their lives as a result of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. It has therefore turned into one...
The most decorated television program ever is Game of Thrones. In 2015, after receiving 12 nominations out of a possible 24, the program broke the record...
Perhaps the world’s most watched and most controversial television program of this century has been Game of Thrones. In addition to its amazing CGI and gripping...
Slow Horses is a spy thriller series on Apple TV+ based on the novel series of the same name by British author Mick Herron. The series...
Except for the ending, there are many things to thank Game of Thrones for. One of them is introducing us to many excellent actors, including Richard...
Season 7, episode 4 of Game of Thrones, was released six years ago. The episode aired on this day, August 6th, 2017. Entitled “The Spoils of...
No book adaptation comes to life without having to cut out essential book moments, and Game of Thrones was no exception. A Song of Ice and...