Game of Thrones finale aired way back in 2019 and in the end, the Stark siblings found their destinies. Bran became the King of the realm, Sansa became the Queen in the North, Jon went...
Game of Thrones might be over, but George R. R. Martin is still out there rocking it. While all of us have been waiting for The Winds of Winter, that’s...
Game of Thrones was the biggest TV show of the past decade, and whether you loved or hated the final season, you have to admit it...
Game of Thrones has had a lot of iconic characters over the years, but if we’re speaking in terms of physical strength, The Mountain wins without...
Game of Thrones ended nearly two years ago. The cast and crew of the show have moved on to new ventures. Most have started working on...
Video Games and TV shows go hand in hand, they are not just a means of brand promotion but also provide an in-universe experience to the...
Game of Thrones boasted a host of highly talented actors, and Emilia Clarke is surely one of them. The 34-year-old star, famous for playing Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen, is...
Game of Thrones’ cast included a great number of actors and actresses who can be described as the most down-to-earth celebrities. Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo, is definitely...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is on everyone’s lips right now, after the recent announcement of the release date by HBO. The series...
Game of Thrones is one big family that encompasses the fans, the cast and the crew. The upcoming prequel House of The Dragon will extend that...