The final official trailer for HBO’s upcoming second season of House of the Dragon has been released. This was made public concurrently with the release of...
Fans are aware that the Game of Thrones franchise does not hold back when showcasing its sexual tendencies, and the prequel House of the Dragon followed...
House of the Dragon actor Olivia Cooke appeared recently at the Power Women Summit along with Aimee Lou Wood (Sec Education), Xochil Gomez (Doctor Strange: Multiverse...
There is no smoke without fire. Since the pilot episode of the much loved House of the Dragon, viewers have sensed a romantic tone underlying the...
It won’t be wrong to say that Larys Strong is the Littlefinger of House of the Dragon. Larys Strong, nicknamed the Clubfoot, is the master of...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon has managed to woo the audiences so far. There are a lot of interesting characters, stemming from George...
The cast of teen characters on HBO’s Game of Thrones, like Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, was played by the same actor from the pilot to...