Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is one of the high-priority projects at HBO currently underway. The production is moving swiftly at Leavesden Studios despite hitting some minor...
It has been nearly two years since Game of Thrones wrapped up filming. The controversial final season of the show left viewers divided into two groups, one loved...
The world is often compared to a stage. Our lives as drama and we can be seen as characters of a story. The year 2021 was...
Game of Thrones boasted a host of intriguing and remarkable villains, that varied from the cunning Tywin Lannister to downright sadistic Ramsay Bolton. The actors did their job so perfectly,...
There are too many locations and characters on Game of Thrones to count, and all of them have detailed descriptions behind them. It’s hard to remember...
The seeds of today grow into the plants of tomorrow. The fineness of an artist’s performance can always be traced back to their roots. Some of...
The news of new film and TV content is far and few in between during the coronavirus pandemic. So, naturally, when anything pops up, it catches...
Innovative minds can be found in the most unexpected of places. The motivation to build something different often arises from something that one loves dearly. One...
Getting a role in a fantasy epic such as Game of Thrones seems like a dream come true right now, but back then during its budding...
Game of Thrones is a pop culture icon, there’s hardly anyone on this planet who hasn’t heard of the fantasy epic. Even today, people who are...