Game of Thrones is a show that has beautifully shown relationships, and sibling relationships are the best ones. They range from the incestuous Jaime-Cersei to ‘I...
Ramsay Bolton has definitely overtaken Joffrey as the most hated character in Game of Thrones. He has already tortured Theon Greyjoy, raped Sansa and committed lot...
Game of Thrones season 6 ended a while ago, and with that, people have been excited to know about season 7 as much as they can....
Game of Thrones is a massive phenomenon across the world today, and with the brilliant writing and production comes an equally good direction of each episode....
Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer, Cersei’s lover/brother, the man who was once hated for having pushed Bran Stark down a tower on Game of Thrones, is possibly...
Game of Thrones has been the show that has propelled HBO to new heights, and as such, HBO is developing not one or two, but five...
Game of Thrones fans know all about the Clegane brothers, but at this point they have gone their separate ways. The Hound is more of the...
We have just begun to deal with the fact that our favorite show, Game of Thrones, will be ending within a couple of years. Like any...
Season 6 of Game of Thrones was often about utter chaos, and honestly, by the end of it, we lost count of the deaths. One of...
Game of Thrones has done well at the awards season this year, with Season 7 being featured at about every award it was eligible for, and...