In the 20 minute behind-the-scenes tidbits of the series titled “Game Revealed”, we found out that Star Wars creator George Lucas paid a secret visit to...
Game of Thrones has been a solid show because of one great quality: it’s not black and white. Every character in the show is painted in...
Game of Thrones Season 8 is arriving on 14th and there are many expectations from a number of characters this season. Taking into account Bronn –...
Game of Thrones is coming to an end after nearly a decade of filming. The show was adapted from a series of novels by George R....
Game of Thrones has had a long line of cast members, many of whom have become legends in the GoT Hall of Fame. One such star...
They went from childhood to adulthood together on the Game of Thrones sets. Now, on Sophie Turner’s upcoming Big Day, Maisie Williams will be by her...
Game of Thrones Season 8 is merely a week away, and the promotions are ramping up. The latest one of the lot was Kit Harington’s first...
Game of Thrones has made the careers of many actors for whom it was their first big break. Without a doubt, it was a long and...
Game of Thrones is not shy about giving its fans goosebumps. Just hear the intro and tell me I’m wrong! Indeed a significant part of what...
Game of Thrones is a powerhouse when it comes to merchandising, and HBO has certainly made great use of its popularity. Season 8 is right around...