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Kit Harington gets kicked out of NYC bar after getting too drunk



The King in the North is certainly one of the main attractions of Game of Thrones. We have seen Jon Snow as a man who always has a grip on his stuff, and Kit Harington has mostly mirrored that impression in real life as well. However, the usually low key Kit recently got thrown out of a NYC bar after getting too drunk and behaving in a disorderly fashion. Read on!

TMZ reported that Kit Harington was kicked out of a bar in New York after getting too drunk and causing a ruckus with the bouncers and some other people around a pool table. TMZ says Kit “started banging on the table, grabbing at pool cues, and getting in peoples’ faces.” His debacle was caught on video, and you can see him struggling. Watch it below :

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Apparently Kit was asked to leave but came back in, and then had to be booted out of the bar. He is reported to be in NYC with his former on-screen love and real life fiancèe Rose Leslie, but it seems like this particular adventure was had by Kit alone.

Looks like not being able to handle the occasional booze binge is yet another thing Jon Snow doesn’t know. What do you think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
