Everything we need to know about the Riot of King’s Landing in House of the Dragon
The uprising of the smallfolk.

The Dance of the Dragons did not only consist of battles between the high Lords and Houses of Westeros. Many other factors contributed to the outcome of the war, which involved the common people of the land.
We have already seen some of these events unfold in Season 2 of House of the Dragon. However, more significant events will shape the narrative in future seasons. As outlined in Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin, many of these events occurred during the fighting between the Blacks and the Greens.
One such event is the Riot of King’s Landing, which occurred towards the end of the Targaryen Civil War.
What happened during the Riot of King’s Landing?

Credits: HBO
In both House of the Dragon and Fire and Blood, a massive riot erupted in King’s Landing in 132 AC. Economic hardship and political tensions led to widespread violence. The show and books present different causes but agree on the devastating impact on the city.
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Quick facts
In the show:
- Date: 132 AC
- Location: King’s Landing
- Outcome: Strategic Black victory
- Casualties: Ser Leon Estermont, several dozen rioters
- Key figures: Mysaria, Queen Rhaenyra, Queen Helaena, Dowager Queen Alicent
In the books:
- Additional casualties: Four dragons, including Syrax
- Key figures: The Shepherd, Gaemon Palehair, Trystane Truefyre
- Aftermath: Period called “The Moon of Madness”
- Notable death: Ser Luthor Largent
In House of the Dragon

Credits: HBO
The economic crisis
The Blacks initiated their strategy with a naval blockade of the Gullet. The Velaryon fleet cut off all trade between King’s Landing and other regions. This action aimed to strangle the city’s economy.
Food shortages emerged within weeks. Prices rose dramatically throughout King’s Landing. The Green regime failed to pay merchants and craftsmen who supported their war efforts. Public dissatisfaction grew against Aegon II’s leadership.
The Greens could not break the blockade. Aemond and Vhagar remained in King’s Landing for protection. The Lannister and Hightower fleets stayed months away. Lord Dalton Greyjoy ignored all negotiation attempts.
Citizens began hoarding food and stealing to survive. Regular meat became scarce. People fished in Blackwater Bay for sustenance. Many attempted to flee the city, fearing Black retaliation for Rhaenys and Meleys’ deaths.
Aemond ordered the city gates closed. Only merchants could enter or leave with Green Council approval. Meanwhile, Mysaria’s agents spread anti-Green rumors about excess in the Red Keep. They told stories of feasts while citizens starved.
The Green Council requisitioned substantial food supplies for their war effort. Citizens watched as soldiers took food while they faced famine. Aemond sent Ser Tyland Lannister to seek an alliance with the Triarchy.
The riot erupts
Rhaenyra and Mysaria executed a strategic plan. They sent dozens of boats filled with fresh food to King’s Landing. The vessels displayed the black-red Targaryen heraldry openly.
Smallfolk fishing along Blackwater Bay spotted these boats first. News spread rapidly through the starving city. Massive crowds formed as people raced toward the promised food. Some attacked others who had already received supplies.
The City Watch struggled to maintain order. Ser Rickard Thorne urgently evacuated Alicent and Helaena from the Grand Sept. A large crowd gathered outside, with guards barely maintaining a path.
The queens descended the steps amid growing hostility. The crowd threw refuse while praising Rhaenyra. A commoner grabbed Alicent, prompting Ser Leon’s fatal intervention. He cut off the man’s arm.
This action ignited violence. The mob separated the queens from their guards. The crowd attacked the royal party. Only timely intervention by Targaryen knights saved the queens. They escaped by wheelhouse to the Red Keep.
Aftermath in the show
Aemond punished the surviving Kingsguard severely. He stripped Ser Eddard and Ser Martyn of their white cloaks. Both men were forced to be exiled to the Night’s Watch.
The riot marked a decisive shift in public support. The Greens had initially enjoyed popularity after Aegon’s coronation. Public sympathy remained strong after Jaehaerys’s murder.
Several actions damaged their public image. Aegon executed the Red Keep’s ratcatchers publicly. Criston Cole paraded Meleys’s head through the streets. The Greens failed to address the devastating blockade.
The Blacks exploited each misstep. Their propaganda campaign highlighted Green excesses. The food delivery demonstrated Rhaenyra’s apparent concern for common people.
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In Fire and Blood

Credits: HBO
Background to the riot
In Fire and Blood, the riot happened much later during the Dance of the Dragons. The First Battle of Tumbleton sparked widespread fear. Two dragonriders from the Blacks changed sides during this battle. They burned the town, killing thousands of citizens.
This news terrified the people of King’s Landing. Queen Rhaenyra controlled the city at this time. Citizens feared the Greens would burn King’s Landing similarly. Ormund Hightower’s approaching army increased this fear.
The Shepherd emerged during this period. This religious figure claimed prophetic powers. Historians considered him insane, but crowds gathered to hear his preaching. He spoke against the Targaryens and their dragons.
Rhaenyra’s actions worsened the situation. The betrayal at Tumbleton made her suspicious. She attempted to imprison Addam Velaryon. His grandfather, Corlys, helped him escape instead.
This decision had severe consequences. Rhaenyra imprisoned Lord Corlys in the black cells. The Velaryon forces made up half her army. Many abandoned her cause after Corlys’s imprisonment.
Helaena’s death and the spark
Lord Corlys’s sworn swords attempted a prison break. The Blacks caught and executed them. They displayed the bodies on the Red Keep’s walls. That same day, Queen Helaena Targaryen died tragically.
Helaena jumped from her window onto the moat’s spikes. She had struggled with madness since the Blacks killed her son. The smallfolk loved Helaena deeply. They blamed Rhaenyra for her death.
Rumors spread about Rhaenyra’s involvement. Some said she feared Prince Daeron’s approach. The Shepherd or Lord Larys Strong might have started these rumors.
The people had additional grievances. Rhaenyra had increased taxes and executed citizens. They remembered the murder of Prince Jaehaerys. Prince Maelor’s death remained fresh in memory.
The night of chaos
Chaos consumed King’s Landing that night. Sailors attacked the River Gate when blocked from their ships. Ser Luthor Largent led four hundred City Watch members against them.
The Shepherd preached at Cobbler’s Square. Ten thousand people gathered to hear him. Ser Luthor’s attempt to arrest him failed. The crowd killed him and his men.
New leaders emerged during the chaos. Gaemon Palehair, King Aegon II’s bastard, became one king. Ser Perkin the Flea proclaimed Trystane Truefyre another.
The situation deteriorated rapidly. The Shepherd led attacks on the Dragonpit. His followers killed four dragons, including Syrax. Rhaenyra fled to Duskendale. The city entered the Moon of Madness.
Key figures
In the show:
- Mysaria: Orchestrated the anti-Green propaganda
- Queen Rhaenyra: Authorized the food delivery plan
- Queen Helaena: Target of public sympathy
- Ser Leon Estermont: Died protecting the queens
In the books:
- The Shepherd: Led the uprising against dragons
- Gaemon Palehair: Proclaimed king during riots
- Trystane Truefyre: Claimed as King Viserys’s bastard
- Ser Luthor Largent: Commander who died defending order
In the show:
- Two Kingsguard members joined the Night’s Watch
- Public opinion shifted to the Blacks
- The Greens lost popular support
In the books:
- Four dragons died in the Dragonpit
- Rhaenyra abandoned King’s Landing
- The Moon of Madness period began
- The city fell into complete anarchy
“There is more than one way to fight a war.” – Mysaria (Show)
“My queen, our gift is sent.” – Mysaria to Rhaenyra (Show)
“Let us hope for clouds over the Blackwater tonight.” – Rhaenyra Targaryen (Show)
Quick answers
When did the Riot of King’s Landing occur?
Both Fire and Blood and House of the Dragon place the riot in 132 AC during the Dance of the Dragons.
What caused the riot?
In House of the Dragon, economic hardship from the Blacks’ blockade sparked the riot. In Fire and Blood, Queen Helaena’s death triggered the uprising.
How many dragons died?
According to Fire and Blood, rioters killed four dragons in the Dragonpit, including Syrax. This event doesn’t occur in House of the Dragon.
Who led the rioters?
In Fire and Blood, the Shepherd led the main uprising, while Gaemon Palehair and Trystane Truefyre emerged as rival leaders. In House of the Dragon, the riot arose spontaneously from economic hardship.
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