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Everything we know about Caraxes in House of the Dragon

The Blood Wyrm of House Targaryen



Caraxes and Daemon Targaryen
Credits: HBO

Dragons are a huge part of House of the Dragon, the new HBO prequel to Game of Thrones. The war, known as the Dance of the Dragons, is fought between the Blacks and the Greens, two factions of House Targaryen. Both sides have dragons, and these powerful creatures become the main weapons in the war. While the Blacks boast more dragons, the Greens hold a significant advantage with the ancient dragon Vhagar. At the start of the Dance, Vhagar is considered nearly unbeatable by any dragon. But there is one dragon that could challenge Vhagar—Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm, ridden by Daemon Targaryen.

In Fire and Blood, Caraxes plays a crucial role in the Targaryen civil war. Not only does he give Vhagar a serious fight, but Caraxes is also involved in one of the most epic dragon duels in Targaryen history. This article covers everything we know about Caraxes and his role in House of the Dragon, from his fearsome reputation to his bond with Daemon Targaryen.

Read More: Matt Smith loved flying on Caraxes in Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon

📜Quick Details:

Also known as: the Blood Wyrm

Born: Before 72 AC

Died: 22nd day of the 5th moon of 130 AC, the Gods Eye

House: Targaryen

Allegiance: House Targaryen, Blacks

Riders: Aemon Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen

Who was Caraxes?


Credits: HBO

Caraxes, known as the Blood Wyrm, was a dragon that was first ridden by Prince Aemon Targaryen. He later became the mount of Prince Daemon Targaryen.

Caraxes had red scales, which earned him the nickname “Blood Wyrm.” He was known for his fierce presence in battle.

In the books, Caraxes served as a war dragon for both Aemon and Daemon. His strength and battle experience made him a feared dragon.

As a veteran of many battles, Caraxes displayed great courage and skill in combat. He became a crucial asset for Daemon during the wars.

Read More: Getting Ready For House of The Dragon : Meet The Dragons – Part 2

Quick Facts


  • Caraxes is ridden by Prince Daemon Targaryen.
  • He is featured prominently in the War for the Stepstones.
  • Caraxes is one of the most experienced dragons on the show.


  • Caraxes is first claimed by Aemon Targaryen in 72 AC.
  • He is known as the “Blood Wyrm” for his fearsome nature.
  • Caraxes serves in several battles, including the War for the Stepstones.
  • Daemon Targaryen claims Caraxes after Aemon’s death.
  • Caraxes participates in the Dance of the Dragons, fighting against Vhagar.
  • He is described as lean, red, and highly skilled in battle.
  • Caraxes dies in the Gods Eye after the battle with Vhagar.

In the show

The Taking of Stone Hedge, Daemon and Caraxes facing House Bracken in the Riverlands

Credits: HBO


Caraxes was ridden by Daemon Targaryen. He had red scales, yellow eyes, and a beard of horns. His wings had membranes on his legs to help with aerodynamics. His body was long and serpentine. The Dragonkeepers named him “Blood Wyrm.”

Caraxes’ appearance made him stand out among other dragons. Daemon’s bond with Caraxes was strong, and the dragon became an essential part of his battles.

Early appearances

After Daemon was banished from King’s Landing, he left with Mysaria on Caraxes. They flew away from the capital to begin their self-imposed exile.

Caraxes played a key role in the confrontation between Daemon and Otto Hightower. The dragon’s loud shriek and appearance on a cliff caused Otto to order his men to sheathe their weapons.

During the War for the Stepstones, Caraxes was used by Daemon. Despite the advantage a dragon provided, the caves near Bloodstone limited his effectiveness.

During a raid, Daemon and Caraxes ambushed the Triarchy forces. However, the Crabfeeder and his men hid in the caves, reducing the damage caused by Caraxes’ dragonfire.

Caraxes was injured when Daemon was struck by flaming arrows. The injury forced them to retreat from the battle and rethink their strategy.

Before the Dance of the Dragons

Caraxes and Daemon were seen flying over Rhaenyra Targaryen’s ship as they returned to King’s Landing.

During Daemon and Laena Velaryon’s self-exile to Pentos, Caraxes flew alongside Vhagar in the skies.

At Laena Velaryon’s funeral, Caraxes was among the dragons flying overhead. He was joined by Syrax and Meleys, while Dreamfyre and Sunfyre sat on the cliffs.

At Dragonstone, Daemon summoned Caraxes to intimidate the Kingsguard knights, reminding them of their oaths.

During the Dance of the Dragons

In Season 2, Daemon flew Caraxes from Dragonstone to Harrenhal. The dragon was used to help Rhaenyra’s forces secure a foothold in the castle.

Caraxes and Daemon landed on Harrenhal’s Kingspyre Tower during a stormy night.

Daemon used Caraxes to intimidate Lord Amos Bracken during their parley.

While Daemon stayed at Harrenhal, Caraxes remained nearby in the godswood. The dragon was often seen resting or observing the events around him.

Caraxes noticed Syrax and Seasmoke arriving with Rhaenyra and Addam while he rested near the godswood.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Caraxes by Constantine Sekeris closely resembled a wingless serpent with four legs. The visual design of Caraxes in the show was inspired by the loong, a Chinese dragon.

The team aimed to create a unique look while maintaining the essence of a traditional dragon. This design was adapted to give Caraxes wings while keeping the loong’s traditional look.

Read More: House of The Dragon star Matt Smith calls Caraxes ‘a real moody bastard’

In the books

Caraxes and Daemon by Rui Gonçalves

Credits: Rui Gonçalves


Caraxes was a huge, lean dragon with red scales. He was formidable, fearsome, and experienced in battle. By the end of his life, Caraxes was considered an old and cunning dragon.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Caraxes was about half the size of Vhagar, the largest dragon of that time. Meleys was faster than both Caraxes and Vhagar.

Caraxes’ size and experience made him a powerful ally in battles. His fearsome reputation was known throughout the realm.


Caraxes was claimed by Aemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, in 72 AC. He was a young dragon of rideable size at that time. The Dragonkeepers named him the “Blood Wyrm” due to his fierce nature.

Aemon, along with his siblings Alyssa and Baelon, flew together on their dragons. Aemon rode Caraxes, while Alyssa rode Meleys, and Baelon rode Vhagar.

Caraxes was used in battle during the Fourth Dornish War in 83 AC. Aemon flew him against the Dornish fleet.

In 92 AC, Aemon used Caraxes to help fight off rogue Myrmen invaders on the island of Tarth. Caraxes easily outran Lord Corlys Velaryon’s fleet in the process.

During this battle, Aemon’s life ended when a crossbow bolt struck him in the throat while Caraxes was eating goats.

Daemon the Rogue Prince

By 105 AC, Daemon Targaryen, Aemon’s nephew, claimed Caraxes as his own mount. Daemon took his paramour, Mysaria, on Caraxes when he retreated to Dragonstone.

Daemon used Caraxes during the War for the Stepstones (106–115 AC). He often flew with his niece, Princess Rhaenyra, and her dragon, Syrax.

After Daemon married Lady Laena Velaryon, the couple toured the Free Cities with their dragons Caraxes and Vhagar. The dragons were admired by huge crowds wherever they went.

Upon their return to Westeros, Daemon and Laena flew with Rhaenyra. It is believed that Syrax mated with Caraxes during this time.

Caraxes played an important role in Daemon’s life. The dragon became an essential part of Daemon’s military and personal journeys.

At the Dance of the Dragons

During the Dance of the Dragons, Daemon flew Caraxes into battle, starting with the assault on Harrenhal. Caraxes landed atop Kingspyre Tower.

Later in the civil war, Daemon challenged Aemond Targaryen and Vhagar at Harrenhal. The two dragons fought in the Battle Above the Gods Eye.

During the battle, Caraxes and Vhagar locked together, and both dragons fell into the Gods Eye. Vhagar’s claws tore open Caraxes’s belly, and her teeth ripped off one of his wing-arms.

Even as his entrails fell out, Caraxes managed to tear out Vhagar’s throat before he died. The force of the fall killed Vhagar, but Caraxes survived long enough to pull himself out of the water.

Caraxes died in front of the walls of Harrenhal, a tragic end for the once mighty dragon.

Read More: How Daemon and his dragon Caraxes reflect his relationship with his brother, King Viserys I Targaryen


“His mount was blood-red Caraxes, fiercest of all the young dragons in the Dragonpit. The Dragonkeepers, who knew the denizens of the pit better than anyone, called him the Blood Wyrm.”
― Fire & Blood

Quick Answers

Who rode Caraxes?

In the books, Caraxes was first ridden by Prince Aemon Targaryen. Later, Prince Daemon Targaryen claimed Caraxes as his mount. In the show, Caraxes is depicted as Daemon Targaryen’s dragon.

What is Caraxes known for?

Caraxes is known as the “Blood Wyrm” due to his fearsome appearance and red scales. In the books, he is considered the fiercest of the young dragons.

What role did Caraxes play in the War for the Stepstones?

Caraxes played a significant role in the War for the Stepstones, where he was used by Daemon Targaryen. Despite his strength, the dragon’s effectiveness was limited by the caves at Bloodstone, where enemies could hide.

How did Caraxes die?

In the books, Caraxes died during the Battle Above the Gods Eye when he fought against Vhagar. Both dragons fell into the Gods Eye, and despite being severely injured, Caraxes managed to survive long enough to crawl to the shore, where he eventually died.

What is Caraxes’ relationship with Daemon Targaryen?

Caraxes had a strong bond with Daemon Targaryen. In the books, Daemon claimed Caraxes as his mount after Aemon’s death and used him in various battles, including the War for the Stepstones and the Dance of the Dragons. The show also emphasizes their close relationship.

Read More: Matt Smith explains how Caraxes represents the heart of Daemon Targaryen

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02/07/2025 03:02 pm GMT

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Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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