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Game of Thrones Season 8 filming at Winterfell set ends, more pictures of aftermath



Game of Thrones Season 8 filming was obviously going to be longer and much more intense than ever before, and we have seen in reports over the past few months, that it has been exactly that. Today we have what is possibly the last report from the Winterfell set at Moneyglass, Northern Ireland, where Season 8 filming has wrapped up. Mild spoilers follow, so SPOILER ALERT! Consider yourself warned.

So as we all know, the Winterfell set at Moneyglass has been the most active one of late. We have reported about a huge battle scene being filmed, followed by fire burning down Winterfell, and then the aftermath of the battle with corpses everywhere. Today we have some more pictures showing the aftermath as the dust settles, thanks to Twitter account Oakleaf Photography, which has provided most of the pictures we’ve had of this set, this filming season around. Take a look at the tweet, below:

My 1st time passing the Winterfell set in a few weeks and noticed a few interesting things it looks like there’s blood on the walls and a pile of burnt body’s left over from the battle!! @WatchersOTWall @WiCnet @GofTNews @GameOfThronesF_ #WinterIsComing #GOT #GameofThrones8

— Oakleaf Photography (@jct_c) March 7, 2018

Let’s take a closer look:


As you can see in the yellow circle marked areas, first you can see blood stained battlements, and then corpses that look like the Unsullied. R.I.P.

So now that we’re done with this set, we expect things to escalate at the new set at the Magheramorne Quarry, with the giant green screen, and the Titanic Studios King’s Landing set. More on that as it develops.

Got any Winterfell theories for us? Hit us up in the comments, down below!

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  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
