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Prince William and Kate Middleton express their love for Game of Thrones



Game of Thrones, is no doubt, a popular show, and loved by millions. The show seems to have a few high profile fans, as well. UK’s lovable royal couple, Prince Williamand Kate Middleton recently expressed their love for the show.

Appearing on the Scott Mills’ show on BBC Radio 1, Prince William and Kate Middleton talked about quite a few things, and one of them was Game of Thrones. The royal pair appeared on the show to congratulate one of the presenters, Adele Roberts, who is running the London Marathon, to raise funds for ‘Heads Together’, a mental health campaign for which the pair are ambassadors. As reports, the pair was asked which TV shows they loved and they said that Game of Thrones was a show “worth watching” and William further added:

“We’ve watched Homeland, big fans of Homeland. Game of Thrones we’ve watched as well. Seems like everyone has watched Game of Thrones.”

Watch the clip from the show, below :

He also talked about how they love the soap ‘Neighbours’ :

“We used to watch Neighbours a lot at school. That was a big thing. Everyone used to congregate at lunch and would watch Neighbours.”

Well, it’s always great to know someone famous loves the same stuff that we do! What do you think? Talk to us in the comments, below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
