The 10 most hated Game of Thrones characters — Why fans can’t stand them

Game of Thrones has had its fair share of beloved and despised characters. Fans dislike these characters for their cruelty, manipulation, betrayal, and lack of empathy. They are characters willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means causing harm to others. Here are some of the top most hated characters in the series and why fans can’t stand them.
10. Theon Greyjoy
Theon Greyjoy is a complex character in Game of Thrones who is both sympathetic and detestable. He starts as a ward of the Starks and a close friend of their children, but he ultimately betrays them. He also personally executes Ser Rodrik Cassel, a beloved character, in an incredibly messy fashion. Fans hate Theon for his betrayal of the Starks, which is seen as cowardice and disloyalty.
Furthermore, Theon’s character is often seen as weak and indecisive, unable to make his own decisions. This makes him an easy target for manipulation by those around him, and fans cannot forgive him for his lack of agency. He becomes a prisoner of the Boltons, leading to his torture and castration, after which there is a huge shift in his behavior. Despite his eventual redemption, fans still struggle to forgive Theon for his mistakes and betrayal of the Starks. His character reminds us of the consequences of disloyalty and the cost of redemption.
9. The Mountain
Gregor Clegane, also known as “The Mountain,” is one of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones. Fans despise him for his brutal and sadistic nature, his lack of empathy, and his reputation as a ruthless killer. One of the reasons fans hate The Mountain is his role in the death of Oberyn Martell. The Mountain’s violent and gruesome killing of Oberyn is one of the most shocking moments in the show and highlights his savage nature. The very reason Oberyn challenged him to a duel is Clegane’s role in the murder of Elia Martell and her infant child.
The Mountain’s treatment of his brother, Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, is another reason fans hate him. The Mountain is shown to have burned Sandor’s face as a child, leaving him with physical and emotional scars. The Mountain’s cruel treatment of his family is a symbol of his sadistic and violent nature. The Mountain’s reputation as a ruthless and sadistic killer also adds to his hated status. He is known for his brutal methods of execution and is feared throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Fans find his character terrifying and celebrated his demise, although he still returned as an undead zombie to wreak even more havoc.
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8. Olly
Olly is a young character in Game of Thrones who starts as a loyal and dedicated member of the Night’s Watch. He later becomes Jon Snow’s steward. However, his character turns for the worse when he becomes disillusioned with Jon Snow and ultimately betrays him, leading to Jon’s untimely death. Fans despise Olly for his betrayal and lack of loyalty, which goes against the core values of Night’s Watch.
Olly’s betrayal is harrowing for fans because he was once viewed as a sympathetic character, having lost his entire family to the wildlings. However, his actions ultimately make him one of the most hated characters in the show. Fans see his betrayal as a senseless act of violence that eventually leads to the downfall of one of the most beloved characters in the series.
7. Viserys Targaryen
Viserys Targaryen is another of the most despised characters in Game of Thrones, and for good reason. Throughout the series, he is cruel, abusive, and power-hungry, mistreating his sister Daenerys. Fans hate Viserys for his arrogance and sense of entitlement, as he believes he is entitled to the Iron Throne simply because of his birthright. Viserys also engages in abusive behavior towards Daenerys, physically and emotionally.
He sells her to Khal Drogo in exchange for an army and threatens to cut her unborn child out of her womb. His treatment of Daenerys is reprehensible, and fans cannot forgive him for how he treats his sister. Furthermore, Viserys is often seen as weak and ineffectual, incapable of achieving his goals without violence and coercion. For these reasons, fans hate Viserys Targaryen and celebrate his ultimate demise.
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6. Melisandre
Melisandre is a character in Game of Thrones who is often seen as manipulative and deceptive. She is a priestess of the Lord of Light known for her religious fanaticism and willingness to sacrifice others in the name of her god. Fans hate Melisandre for her role in the death of Stannis Baratheon’s daughter, which is seen as a senseless and cruel act. Her use of dark magic and willingness to sacrifice innocent lives make her a hated figure in the show.
Furthermore, Melisandre’s character is often overconfident, believing her faith justifies her actions. This makes her an easy target for criticism and fan hatred. Despite her eventual role in the Night King’s defeat, fans still struggle to forgive Melisandre for her ruthlessness. Her character is a cautionary tale about the dangers of extremism and fanaticism.
5. Littlefinger
Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger, is a cunning and manipulative character in Game of Thrones who is despised by fans for his constant scheming and treachery. Fans hate Littlefinger for his role in the death of Ned Stark, which is seen as a pivotal moment in the series, and a betrayal of the Starks, who was seen as the show’s heroes. Littlefinger’s constant scheming and manipulation of those around him make him a shady character who fans cannot forgive.
Furthermore, Littlefinger’s character is often seen as sleazy and opportunistic, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His constant manipulation of those around him makes him a hated figure in the show. Despite his eventual demise, fans still struggle to forgive Littlefinger for his past mistakes and his role in the death of Ned Stark. His character serves as a reminder of the dangers of ambition and the cost of betrayal.
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4. Walder Frey
Walder Frey is a character in Game of Thrones known for his treacherous nature. He is the Lord of the Crossing and the head of House Frey, which plays a vital role in the infamous Red Wedding. Fans hate Walder Frey for his role in the Red Wedding, which is seen as a brutal and senseless act of betrayal. His willingness to break guest right and murder his guests, including Robb, Catelyn, and the pregnant Talisa Stark, is a downright despicable act.
Furthermore, Walder Frey’s character is often seen as petty and vindictive, as he seeks revenge against the Starks for past slights. His constant scheming and manipulation of those around him make him a shady character who fans cannot forgive. Fans of the series celebrated his eventual demise at the hands of Arya Stark. His character serves as a reminder of the cost of betrayal and the consequences of breaking sacred oaths.
3. Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister is a character in Game of Thrones known for her cunning, manipulative nature and willingness to do whatever it takes to protect herself and her family. However, this has also made her one of the most hated characters in the show. Fans hate Cersei for her actions, including her role in the death of Ned Stark, the destruction of the Sept of Baelor, and her cruel treatment of her enemies. Her lack of empathy and ruthless pursuit of power makes her a despised figure.
Furthermore, Cersei’s character is often seen as arrogant and entitled, believing that she is above the law and that her position justifies her actions. She is not beyond manipulating others by seducing them and coercing them to do her bidding. Her eventual demise came in the very last season of the series, as prophesied by a witch when she was young. Fans still struggle to forgive Cersei for her role in the deaths of beloved characters. Her character serves as a reminder of the cost of ambition and the dangers of unchecked power.
2. Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay Bolton is one of the most hated characters in the Game of Thrones fandom, and for good reason. The sadistic and psychopathic behavior of the character has made him a symbol of cruelty and evil in the show. Ramsay is known for his inhumane acts, including torture and mutilation. He is shown to enjoy causing pain to others and derives pleasure from it, making him a character that is impossible to sympathize with.
Ramsay’s behavior is disconcerting regarding Theon Greyjoy, whom he imprisons and tortures to an inch of his life. Fans despise Ramsay Bolton for disregarding human life, particularly his lack of empathy toward people who are often innocent. He murders and tortures his victims without remorse and enjoys their suffering. Fans are appalled by the brutal nature of his actions, often portrayed in graphic detail on the show. He is seen as a despicable character with no redeeming qualities, and fans were relieved to see him meet his demise.
1. Joffrey Baratheon
Joffrey Baratheon, the eldest son of Cersei Lannister and King Robert Baratheon, is the most hated character in Game of Thrones. Fans despise Joffrey for his arrogance, cruelty, and sadism. From the beginning, Joffrey is a spoiled and entitled character who enjoys inflicting pain on others. One of the reasons fans hate Joffrey is his role in the execution of Ned Stark, which he ordered against everyone else’s wishes. Due to this, he single-handedly started a war within the Seven Kingdoms.
Furthermore, Joffrey torments and abuses Sansa Stark throughout the show, even forcing her to look at her father’s severed head. His behavior towards Sansa symbolizes his cruelty and disregard for others’ feelings. Joffrey’s arrogance and lack of empathy also make fans hate him. He believes above the law and enjoys using his power to torment those around him. Joffrey’s treatment of Tyrion Lannister is another example of his cruelty, as he enjoys belittling him. These combined factors effectively make Joffrey Baratheon the most hated character in Game of Thrones.
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