Maisie Williams says Game of Thrones season 7 finale will be very, very exciting

Game of Thrones is currently filming for Season 7 in Iceland, which is being used as a location for filming the icy Winter scenes. This is the first time the filming has been done in the same year as the premiere. Naturally, we are all hyped up about Season 7, and Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark on the show, thinks that we should be “very, very excited” for the next season. Read on!
In a recent pop-up on the The Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw on BBC Radio, Maisie talked about a few things, which included Season 7 of Game of Thrones. When asked if she knows how the series ends, she said :
“None…And I make educated guesses and we try and get answers and bits of information and knowledge from the writers, but they keep it very close to their chest. But it’s so exciting, and particularly the end of this series, it’s just a great finale, and it makes me excited for the series after. Cause I’m, like, one season ahead of everyone else, and so, I get the scripts and it’s all really exciting, cause it’s all stuff that no one’s seen before, but then as soon as you’ve read it, you’re like, ‘But I want the next season now.’…People should be very, very excited.”
When asked if cast members speculate about the possibilities on the show, she said :
“All the time! And we go out for drinks and stuff, and we just end up just talking about the show, and then because we’re a season ahead, like, we have to really watch what we’re saying because you don’t know who’s listening to your conversation…Because we’ve been on this show from the beginning, like, you forget that it is so popular, and so when you start chatting about, like, possible storylines, you, like, realize, ‘Oh, I should actually keep this quiet. Cause people are gonna think we actually know what’s gonna happen.’ Even though we’re just speculating like everybody else.”
This isn’t a new reaction, coming from Maisie. She first sent out a series of tweets which spelled hype, on reading the season 7 scripts for the first time. Check them out, below :
i’d start preparing yourselves now
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) August 22, 2016
scratch that, nothing will prepare you for this
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) August 22, 2016
shit gets REAL
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) August 22, 2016
Maisie sure does sound excited, herself. She talked about a couple of other things, including Mophie, and her upcoming Netflix movie, iBoy. You can listen to the full show here. (Maisie shows up around the 2:04:00 mark)
Are you even more hyped up for Season 7 now? Talk to us in the comments, below!
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