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Drone footage reveals King’s Landing set details for House of the Dragon Season 3

Production for House of the Dragon Season 3 seems to have begun as leaked set photos surface through drone footage.



House of the Dragon Season 3 set photos
Credits: UnBoxPhd

Production for House of the Dragon Season 3 appears to be underway, as new leaked set photos emerge through drone footage. These images provide a first look at the upcoming season, showing familiar locations that have appeared in both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon Season 2.

Read More: Game of Thrones used drone killers to prevent leaks during filming

Set photos for House of the Dragon Season 3 revealed

Drone footage shared by user @UnBoxPHD shows images of the House of the Dragon Season 3 set still under construction.

House Of The Dragon Season 3 FILM SET

New sets are being built, and we can already spot parts of King’s Landing as well as the courtyard of the Red Keep. The Weirwood Tree set is also undergoing reconstruction.

Among the images, we see the iconic Red Keep and what appears to be the castle of Harrenhal, a place Daemon Targaryen spent a lot of time in during Season 2. The set photos suggest a continued focus on these major locations, while also revealing new areas that will be key in the upcoming season.

Additionally, several small boats are lined up on one end of the set, which could indicate their involvement in the Battle of the Gullet. This massive action sequence, which is expected to open Season 3, has been highly anticipated by fans, and the set images seem to suggest it will be a pivotal moment in the story.

Read More: Elden Ring creator describes how Game of Thrones fans will recognize George R. R. Martin’s familiar touch in the game’s lore

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03/28/2025 06:47 am GMT

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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