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Aegon the Conqueror’s crown appears in House of the Dragon episode 9 preview, and it has an interesting history



crown house of the dragon

A crown represents the symbol of a king. Hence it should come as no surprise that royal families from all over the world put a lot of emphasis on crowns, which are often passed over generations. Aegon I Targaryen’s crown is one such relic from Westeros’ distant past, which signifies not only his power, charisma, and authority, but also the Targaryen’s right to rule the realm. Hence it holds a lot of importance in the Targaryen household than just symbolism.

House of The Dragon episode 9 preview provides the first look at Aegon I Targaryen’s coronation crown. It looks very old, rusty, and reasonably accurate to the description etched in George R. R. Martin’s books – A circlet of Valyrian steel, set with big square-cut rubies. The crown was also teased in House of The Dragon’s intro clip, where it is the first crown representing Aegon’s line in Westeros.


Aegon I’s crown, by Velvet Engine

One might question since it is a family heritage, why was it not seen or used earlier in House of The Dragon? Why is Viserys wearing a different crown? What happened to Aegon the Conqueror’s crown? Let’s have a look at the crown’s journey from Aegon I’s rule to the coronation of Aegon II in House of The Dragon.

Season 1 Episode 9 Preview | House of the Dragon (HBO)

Aegon I Targaryen’s rule

During the time of his conquest, Aegon landed with his army on the eastern coast of Westeros at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, where he constructed the wooden Aegonfort. Houses Rosby and Stokeworth surrendered to his sisters, Rhaenys and Visenya, quickly, and Houses Darklyn and Mooton were defeated promptly by Aegon in his first test. Before defeated lords gathered to the new Aegonfort, Aegon was crowned with a Valyrian steel circlet by Visenya, the one pictured above, and hailed as King of all of Westeros by Rhaenys. He also displayed the three-headed dragon symbol of House Targaryen for the first time.

Aegon I died in 37 AC on Dragonstone from a stroke at the age of sixty-four. After that, his crown and the Iron Throne were passed down to Aenys I Targaryen, his son with his sister/wife Rhaenys.

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Aenys I Targaryen’s rule

After Aegon I’s death in 37 AC, his son with Rhaenys ascended to the Iron Throne. He claimed his father’s throne amidst the rubble and mud of the torn-down Aegonfort and the foundations of the Red Keep. Aenys was crowned with his father’s circlet of Valyrian steel and rubies on Dragonstone, and later, when he traveled with his wife and children to Oldtown by the way of Riverrun, Lannisport, and Highgarden, was presented by the High Septon at the Starry Sept with a crown of yellow gold, with the faces of the Seven inlaid in jade and pearl.

Maegor I Targaryen’s rule

Aenys I dies early in the year 42 AC, after which his half-brother Maegor I usurps the Iron Throne. Maegor hated the Faith of the Seven as they had scorned his second wife, Lady Alys Harroway, who they called “Maegor’s Whore”.  Maegor defied the Faith openly, and killed Aenys’ oldest son, Aegon the uncrowned, and his dragon Quicksilver, in a brutal battle. He was crowned at Dragonstone with the Valyrian steel crown of his father, King Aegon I, instead of Aenys’s ornate one.

Jaehaerys I Targaryen’s rule


Jaehaerys was third in line to rule after his older brothers, Aegon and Viserys, were killed by their uncle Maegor. He could only rise to the Iron Throne after his uncle’s death, such was his cruelty and influence. Jaehaerys was one of the wisest kings Westeros had ever seen, reigning for the longest time in all of the Targaryen dynasty. Jaehaerys refused to wear the crown Maegor I wore, instead, he was crowned with his father’s crown of yellow gold, with the faces of the Seven inlaid in jade and pearl. He later replaced it with his own model, a simple yellow-gold band, set with seven gemstones of different colors.

Viserys I Targaryen’s rule

Viserys was Jaehaerys’ grandson who ascended to the Iron Throne after his death. We see him wearing his grandfather’s crown in House of The Dragon, the second one that he fashioned himself. This is also true according to Fire & Blood, and Viserys wears it till his death, after which it is stolen and given to Princess Rhaenyra, the heir he had chosen while he was alive.

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Aegon II Targaryen’s rule

As teased in the House of The Dragon episode 9 teaser, Aegon II would be the first King of Westeros to wear Aegon the Conqueror’s Valyrian steel crown after Maegor I, since his father’s crown goes missing. It would be interesting to see how it plays out in the series, especially since Maegor hated the Faith, and he made the crown a symbol of oppression, and now Aegon II being forced into wearing it, whose mother is a staunch supporter of the Faith.

Are you excited to see Aegon I’s crown in House of The Dragon episode 9? Join in on our discussions on our official discord server.

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Sayantan is a keen follower of everything pop culture; from films, shows, anime to video games and latest memes. He started writing professionally for Wiki of Thrones during the 2021 lockdown, and has been developing his writing and editing skills ever since. Sayantan has since worked for several reputed firms, such as Collider and FandomWire, gathering experience and nods from some of the best in the industry. With a growing repertoire amassing renowned websites, Sayantan is your go to guy for all things Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. When he is not hunting for headlines and theories, you can find him engrossed in fantasy shows, conspiracy theories and video games.

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