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Peter Dinklage makes an emotional plea to Game of Thrones fans



peter-dinklage-net-worth-e1473008191601-4286790 August 18th, 4:03am August 18th, 5:01pm Nidhi Goswami20-year- old unpopular writer with mad fangirl skills.

Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage is admittedly one of the most popular actors in the world. With his character Tyrion Lannister being a mega favourite of the fans, Peter has found a rather loved place in the hearts of viewers. Since Game of Thrones actors are often seen involved in social causes that require the support of people, owing to his popularity, Peter has also extended his hand in a good cause. He’s teamed up with PETA to appeal to Game of Thrones fans across the world, speaking to create awareness about the abandonment of pet Huskies.

Ever since the start of Game of Thrones in 2011, fans have been adopting huskies because of their resemblance to the show’s much loved Direwolves. These huskies are later abandoned because they require a lot of work and commitment in order to care for them.

“Please, to all of Game of Thrones many wonderful fans, we understand that due to the direwolves’ huge popularity, many folks are going out and buying Huskies,” he said. “Not only does this hurt all the deserving homeless dogs waiting for a chance at a good home in shelters, but shelters are also reporting that many of these huskies are being abandoned—as often happens when dogs are bought on impulse, without understanding their needs. Please, please, if you’re going to bring a dog into your family, make sure that you’re prepared for such a tremendous responsibility and remember to always, ALWAYS, adopt from a shelter,” he vowed. 

Peter has been an animal lover and PETA supporter for long and hopes his plea won’t fall on deaf ears. It is indeed a great responsibility to adopt pets, and it is also a good thing to do so because of the love for a show, but it is also important to make sure that this commitment does not face abandonment. We hope that Game of Thrones fans who’ve adopted these huskies and who are planning to in future keep Peter’s plea in mind.


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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
