House of The Dragon production hit with delay as crew member drives truck into water

Filming for a show is not an easy task. The production often runs into problems that delays filming for days. Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon ran into a similar situation. However, the problem was assessed and solved quickly and the delay was minimized. The shooting hit with an unexpected delay when a crew member had to be rescued from the rising tide.
A member of staff became trapped after accidentally driving a truck into the water. A tractor was then brought onto the scene at St Michael’s Mount to help to hoist the vehicle back to safety, with crew racing to the incident to help. According to Metro, the staff member was driving to the causeway but got stuck in the water on his way up to the mount when the incident happened. Matt Smith and Emma D’Arcy were spotted shooting scenes for the HBO spin-off at a different location.
A team hurried to free the vehicle with just 30 minutes to spare before the spot was submerged by the rising tide. It appeared all staff members made it out of the incident unharmed.
Hopefully, this won’t cause much delay and the production will resume in a little while. Are you excited about the Game of Thrones prequel? Talk to us in the comments below!
We are living in the 21st century, and with all the technological advancements humanity has witnessed we still can’t guarantee the safety of the other half of the human race. Crimes against women don’t seem to stop, be it on the streets or within the four walls of a room. These blood-curdling incidents show the lack of morality and a genuine sense of respect in the minds of such animalistic ‘gentlemen’. Game of Thrones’ Esmé Bianco filed a federal lawsuit against Marilyn Manson on Friday accusing him of rape and other acts of sexual violence.
Bianco first came forward on Feb. 10, as more than a dozen other women also made allegations against Manson. The lawsuit lays out Bianco’s allegations in similarly shocking detail. She alleges that Manson — whose legal name is Brian Warner — raped her in May 2011. Bianco also alleges that he repeatedly used drugs, force and threats to coerce her into other sexual acts. She accuses him of spanking, biting, cutting and whipping her without her consent during sex acts.
In 2011, Bianco alleges that Manson invited her to come stay with him in L.A., and offered to cast her in a film called “Phantasmagoria.” She spent two and a half months with him, the suit states, “enduring constant abuse.”
“Mr Warner controlled Ms. Bianco’s movements and threatened to interfere with her visa process,” the suit alleges. “Mr. Warner alternately kept Ms. Bianco awake for days at a time and then would lock her out of the apartment overnight.”
What do you think of the case? Tell us in the comments below!
Even though the world is currently fighting the COVID pandemic, good news keeps rushing in for Game of Thrones fans. The fantasy epic completed 10 years of its run in April this year, and the prequel House of The Dragon has begun production. And this year we had another Game of Thrones baby, much to everyone’s surprise. Actress Natalie Dormer has given birth to a baby daughter, her first child with partner David Oakes.
Her daughter was born in January and has been kept a secret, shared only with family and close friends. But the news will surely delight her fans. Natalie, 39, does not use social media. She broke the news to her friend Esther Rantzen on her That’s After Life podcast, produced by Captive Minds, released on Wednesday.
“It’s the perfect thing to do during a pandemic – get pregnant, have a baby,” joked Natalie. “I feel like I’m probably being a bit of a cliché, she’ll probably be sitting in a bar in 30 years’ time one day going, “Yeah, I’m a COVID baby”. I think there’s going to be lots of COVID babies because what else can people do, maybe like blitz babies?”
She added, “She’s just three months and she’s an absolute joy, I’m never going to complain about shooting hours ever again because sleep deprivation is something else.”
“People say, “Your whole perspective on life will change, and your whole set of value system” and you sort of roll your eyes and go “yeah, yeah” – and then you have one and you go, “Oh. Wow!”
Send your best wishes to the cute little family in the comments below!
After waiting for nearly a year, Game of Thrones fans finally have some good news. HBO has made it official- House of The Dragon is ready to take flight. The highly awaited Game of Thrones prequel began production last week. Also, the rumours have been confirmed, the news about the series being filmed in Cornwall is actually true! The show’s stars Matt Smith and Emma D’Arcy were spotted filming on Holywell Beach in Cornwall.
The prequel caused quite a buzz in the last few days when the official Twitter handle of Game of Thrones announced the beginning of production. It didn’t take much time for the locals at Cornwall to leak photos and videos from the set. The Daily Mail released a leaked video of the crew and the stars Matt and Emma filming in full costume. Check it out here!
Smith and D’Arcy are in full regal Targaryen costuming for shooting. They’re wearing silver-blond wigs with styling that is reminiscent of Game of Thrones’ Daenerys and Viserys. The actors shared a scene, speaking together on the beach. Then it appeared that D’Arcy strolled towards the water when the characters finished talking.
The crew was busy setting up the set; a broken hull and a leftover wreck. It looks likely that this site is serving as Driftmark and the home of the Velaryons.
What are your speculations about the leaked video and images? Tell us in the comments below!
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