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Game of Thrones actor Joe Dempsie hints at Gendry's return



Game of Thrones is filled with numerous characters and most of them are quite vital to the story line. With these many characters, some of them, however important, might get overshadowed. One such character is Gendry the blacksmith, the bastard of late King Robert Baratheon, whom we last saw rowing on a boat. After a lot of speculation from the show runners and all of the hints that were dropped on and off about Gendry and where he would be now, there was nothing we could really rely upon.

However, actor Joe Dempsie, who plays Gendry on the show, recently hinted about the return of his character next season, or so he hopes. He discussed his character’s possible fate with Digital Spy, and said,“I’m as in the dark as anyone else. It’s a bit of a loose end, and they don’t make a habit of leaving them untied – and actually as the series has progressed, the more ‘forgotten’ characters that have returned, the more Gendry sticks out like a sore thumb.”

He continued saying that he would love to return to the show, but he doesn’t know when that would happen.“There’s a lot of unanswered questions about Gendry and the longer it goes on, the more obvious his absence becomes,”he said. “I mean, God, the amount of flippin’ memes I get sent on Twitter… Whether they’ll bow to that pressure or not, I don’t know. But fingers crossed, because it’d be lovely to go back.”

With only two more seasons to go, and fewer episodes than usual, we wonder what Gendry will be doing if he does decide to stop rowing his life away in season 7.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
