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Fan theory talks about an important meeting for Jon Snow in the next episode of Game of Thrones



August 10th, 3:32am August 10th, 3:32am Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff writer at Wiki of Thrones.

Game of Thrones Season 7 is now over halfway over. Till now, we have seen a lot of things shuffling, characters meeting, and even a walk of shame. One of the most important storylines of the season is how Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are working together. Their first meeting was quite a balanced affair, managing to establish them as equals, for of course, they’re both dragons. Speaking of dragons, we have a very important meeting coming up, and the first meeting at that, as getting startled doesn’t qualify. We are, of course, speaking about Jon and Drogon. The promo for the next episode shows us that Jon will finally meet the fiery, winged beast, and now there are two theories which suggest that this meeting will be a bigger one than we expect it. Read on!

Now, the basis of this theory is that Drogon will recognize Jon when the two come face to face. Redditor LtRavs. says :

“I feel like that will be the first big moment where Dany realises something is up with Jon, Drogon perhaps acting submissive or something like that to indicate he’s special in some way. I still don’t think they reveal his lineage until the final episode or possibly next season.” 

Now, there is some evidence in the books to prove that dragons always recognize a Targaryen. We discovered that a prophecy from Season 2 came true in the last episode, like we had thought it would. The prophecy had one bit at the end, where Quaithe – the shadowbinder from Asshai, says a couple of lines at the end :

“Remember who you are, Daenerys. The dragons know. Do you?”

This could be a hint at the fact that dragons recognize Targaryens. Of course, we expect Jon Snow and Daenerys will figure out that they’re related, sooner or later, but Drogon recognizing Jon would be a nice way to set it off. It would also add more weight to the theory that the dragons didn’t burn Tyrion because he is secretly a Targaryen, and the third of the trio.

What is your take on this? Will Drogon recognize Jon? Talk to us in the comments, down below!


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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
