The final episode of Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon premiered earlier this Sunday, and it was as tragic as the fans expected. Those...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon season 1 is finally at an end. Both the pilot and the finale showcased a brutal birthing scene....
There have been several memorable death scenes on Game of Thrones, a lot of them were brutal and visceral. And it seems the prequel House of The Dragon is...
Game of Thrones was famous for its graphic sceneries, even more so for its majestic castles. The prequel House of The Dragon will be a first for a lot...
House of the Dragon episode 9 was quite spectacular, thanks to Princess Rhaenys Targaryen’s grand entry with her dragon Meleys. But all that glitters is not...
23rd October is an important day for Game of Thrones fans worldwide. It is the birthday of one of the show’s biggest stars, actress Emilia Clarke....
Game of Thrones fans were delighted to know that around ten live-action and animated spinoffs were in the early stages of production. But the latest update...
It all started on Twitter, as it usually does. A self-proclaimed “dany loyalist” tweeted “One thing I love about the GoT show universe is it’s portrayals...
We have been through battles, wars, and murders in cold blood. But nothing in Game of Thrones or its spinoff could have prepared us for the...
Casting older men as young characters and young women as older characters is nothing new. House of the Dragon audiences are aware of how young Olivia...