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Who was King Maegor the Cruel?

The most feared Targaryen King.



Credits: Elena Stripe

Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon showcase many tyrannical kings. Yet in George R.R. Martin’s Fire and Blood, none match the cruelty of Maegor I Targaryen.

During the Dance of Dragons, people compared Rhaenyra’s harsh policies to Maegor’s reign. As Aegon the Conqueror’s son, he became a warning about ruling through fear.

📜Quick Details:
Title: King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Hand of the King

Also known as: The Prince of Dragonstone, Maegor the Cruel, The Abomination on the Iron Throne

Born: 12 AC, at Dragonstone

Died: 48 AC, at King’s Landing

House: House Targaryen

Culture: Crownlander

Father: King Aegon I Targaryen

Mother: Queen Visenya Targaryen

Sibling(s): Aenys Targaryen

– Ceryse Hightower (42–45 AC)
– Alys Harroway (42–44 AC)
– Tyanna of the Tower (42–48 AC)
– Elinor Costayne (47–48 AC)
– Rhaena Targaryen (47–48 AC)
– Jeyne Westerling (47–48 AC)

Played by: (Not portrayed in live-action)

Who was Maegor the Cruel?


Credits: Amok

Maegor Targaryen, son of Aegon the Conqueror and Visenya Targaryen, showed signs of violence from childhood. His mother raised him on Dragonstone, separate from his brother Aenys.

As a youth, he excelled in combat. By age twelve, he could defeat older boys in tournaments. At thirteen, he received the Valyrian sword Dark Sister.

Though initially named Hand of the King under his brother’s reign, Maegor’s actions led to exile. He later claimed the throne through force, beginning a reign of terror.

Quick facts

From both Fire and Blood and the shows:

  • Built the Red Keep and its secret passages
  • Constructed the Dragonpit
  • Rode Balerion, the Black Dread
  • Known for executing builders and servants
  • Died mysteriously on the Iron Throne

From Fire and Blood only:

  • Won a Trial of Seven single-handedly
  • Married six wives simultaneously
  • Destroyed the Sept of Remembrance
  • Eliminated House Harroway entirely
  • Never produced a living heir

In House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones


Credits: Max

References in Season 1

Maegor appears as one of four statues in the Red Keep’s throne room. The hooded statue holds the sword Blackfyre.

Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys discuss Maegor’s reign while watching the Heir’s Tournament. They note how no knight has seen real combat since his time.

Otto Hightower uses Maegor’s name to warn about Prince Daemon. He compares Daemon’s potential rule to Maegor’s cruelty.

Legacy in Game of Thrones

Septa Mordane tests Sansa Stark’s knowledge in the throne room. Sansa correctly identifies Maegor as the Red Keep’s builder.

Wisdom Hallyne mentions Maegor’s support of the Alchemists’ Guild. He used their wildfire against his enemies.

Joffrey Baratheon expresses admiration for Maegor’s methods. He notes how none dared call him “cruel” during his lifetime.

In Fire and Blood


Credits: Lucas Graciano

Early life and rise to power

Maegor’s strength showed from birth, weighing twice as much as his brother Aenys. His mother, Visenya, raised him separately on Dragonstone.

Combat training began early. He stabbed a horse for kicking him and slashed a stableboy’s face. By age thirteen, he defeated seasoned knights.

After Aegon’s death, Aenys made Maegor his Hand. Maegor claimed Balerion and crushed a rebellion in the Vale. He hanged all who supported the rebels.

His marriage to Alys Harroway, which was against the Faith’s wishes, led to exile. When Aenys died, Visenya brought Maegor back to claim the throne.

The War Against the Faith

Maegor fought the Faith Militant through brutal means. He burned the Sept of Remembrance with Balerion’s dragonfire.

He married Tyanna of the Tower as his third wife, executing those who objected. The High Septon called them “the abomination and his whores.”

Together with Visenya, he threatened to burn Oldtown. The High Septon’s sudden death led to the city’s surrender. He executed the remaining Warrior’s Sons.

Reign of terror

Maegor built the Red Keep using forced labor. He executed all builders to protect its secrets. The Dragonpit’s construction used prison labor. He killed his nephew Aegon in battle, earning the name “kinslayer.”

His wives bore only deformed children. When Alys Harroway’s child died deformed, he executed her entire house. He tortured and killed twenty men she allegedly slept with.

Final days and death

Prince Jaehaerys claimed the throne in 48 AC. Maegor’s allies deserted him, including his Kingsguard and Hand.

He died mysteriously on the Iron Throne. Guards found him with slashed wrists and a throne spike through his neck.

Some blame a Kingsguard, others Queen Elinor. Many believe the throne itself killed him. The truth remains unknown.


“Now people name Maegor ‘the Cruel’, but I doubt any dared in his day.” – Joffrey Baratheon

“The Substance is fire given form. And we have been perfecting it since the days of Maegor.” – Wisdom Hallyne

Quick answers

Why was Maegor called ‘the Cruel’?

According to Fire and Blood, Maegor earned this name through ruthless actions. He executed builders, tortured enemies, and killed his own family members.

How many wives did Maegor have?

Maegor married six women: Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Rhaena Targaryen, and Jeyne Westerling.

How did Maegor die?

In Fire and Blood, Maegor died mysteriously on the Iron Throne. Guards found him with slashed wrists and impaled by a throne spike.

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Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.

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