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Everything we need to know about The Moon of the Three Kings

Chaos in King’s Landing.



Credits: Thomas Denmark

The Targaryen Civil War, known as the Dance of the Dragons, centered on succession between Rhaenyra and Aegon II. Events outside the conflict between the Blacks and the Greens shaped Westeros. Season 2 of House of the Dragon continues to unfold these events.

In George R.R. Martin’s Fire and Blood, chaos erupted in King’s Landing during the Moon of Three Kings. During this period, three pretenders claimed the Iron Throne as both Rhaenyra and Aegon II lost control of the capital.

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What happened during the Moon of Three Kings?


Credits: HBO

In Fire and Blood, three claimants emerged after Rhaenyra fled King’s Landing: the Shepherd, Trystane Truefyre, and Gaemon Palehair. Each controlled different parts of the city until Lord Borros Baratheon restored order.

Quick facts

From Fire and Blood:

  • Location: King’s Landing
  • Date: 130 AC
  • Duration: One month
  • Claimants: The Shepherd, Trystane Truefyre, Gaemon Palehair
  • Ended by: Lord Borros Baratheon’s intervention

From House of the Dragon:

  • Event hasn’t occurred yet
  • Possible Gaemon Palehair appearance in Season 1
  • Potential Shepherd introduction in Season 2

In House of the Dragon


Credits: Kieran Belshaw

Early signs

The show has planted seeds for future events. A character resembling Gaemon Palehair appeared outside the fighting pits during Aegon’s search.

Season 2 introduced an older man who lost his hand during a riot. This could foreshadow the Shepherd’s appearance.

Lord Borros Baratheon’s introduction in Season 1 sets up his later role in ending the Moon of Three Kings.

In Fire and Blood


Credits: HBO

The path to chaos

King’s Landing initially supported Rhaenyra when she took the throne from Aegon II. The Iron Throne cut her during her first sitting, which many saw as an ill omen.

After Hugh Hammer and Ulf White’s betrayal at Tumbleton, Rhaenyra grew paranoid. She attempted to imprison Addam Velaryon, suspecting similar treachery.

When Addam escaped with Corlys Velaryon’s help, Rhaenyra imprisoned Corlys in the black cells. This decision caused Velaryon troops to abandon her cause.

Rhaenyra’s increased executions and higher taxes alienated the common people. The approaching Green army under Ormund Hightower and Prince Daeron sparked fear.

Rise of three kings

Riots erupted across King’s Landing. People looted shops, burned warehouses, and attacked noble houses. The City Watch failed to maintain control.

The Shepherd emerged first, leading the assault on the Dragonpit. Though not claiming kingship, he controlled significant parts of the city.

Ser Perkin the Flea proclaimed his squire, Trystane Truefyre, as King Viserys I’s bastard son. Many gold cloaks supported this claim.

In the brothel district, a four-year-old named Gaemon Palehair gained support. His mother claimed he was Aegon II’s bastard.

The Shepherd’s reign

The Shepherd, a one-handed religious zealot, preached against dragons from Cobbler’s Square. Mushroom described him as corpse-like in appearance.

He led the successful assault on the Dragonpit, resulting in five dragons’ deaths. The Shepherd ruled from these ruins, surrounded by dragon heads on spikes.

His following diminished when he demanded followers abandon fine clothes and spoke against nobility. This weakness allowed Borros Baratheon to capture him easily.

The Shepherd refused to repent and cursed Aegon II. Knights burned him alive among the dead dragons’ heads. King’s Landing renamed Hill Street to Shepherd’s Way.

Trystane’s brief rule

Ser Perkin installed Trystane on the Iron Throne after capturing the Red Keep. Grand Maester Orwyle, Lord Corlys, and Queen Alicent witnessed this coronation.

Lord Larys Strong supported Trystane’s claim. The new king repealed Rhaenyra’s taxes and distributed royal treasury gold.

Trystane controlled four city gates through gold cloak support. His “gutter knights” maintained order in their territories.

When Borros Baratheon arrived, Trystane only requested knighthood before death. Ser Marston Waters dubbed him Ser Trystane Fyre before his execution.

Gaemon Palehair’s story

Gaemon, a four-year-old from the Street of Silk, gained support through his mother Essie’s influence. Brothel workers offered free services to his supporters.

He held court on Visenya’s Hill with various followers. His edicts supported the poor and protected women from abuse.

Borros Baratheon captured young Gaemon. Aegon II spared his life due to his age but executed his supporters.

Essie confessed Gaemon’s true father was a Lysene oarsman. The boy later served as cupbearer to King Aegon III, dying from poison meant for the king.

Key figures

From Fire and Blood:

  • The Shepherd: Religious zealot who led the Dragonpit assault
  • Trystane Truefyre: Claimed bastard of Viserys I
  • Gaemon Palehair: Four-year-old claimed bastard of Aegon II
  • Ser Perkin the Flea: Supported Trystane’s claim
  • Lord Borros Baratheon: Ended the chaos


According to Fire and Blood:

  • The Shepherd burned to death
  • Trystane received knighthood before execution
  • Gaemon became King Aegon III’s cupbearer
  • King’s Landing returned to Aegon II’s control
  • Hill Street became Shepherd’s Way


“Three kings reigned over the city, each on his own hill, yet for their unfortunate subjects there was no law, no justice, no protection.” – Fire and Blood

Quick answers

How long did the Moon of Three Kings last?

According to Fire and Blood, this period lasted approximately one month before Lord Borros Baratheon restored order.

Who were the three kings?

In Fire and Blood, the three claimants were the Shepherd (though he never claimed kingship), Trystane Truefyre, and Gaemon Palehair.

How did the Moon of Three Kings end?

According to Fire and Blood, Lord Borros Baratheon’s arrival ended the chaos. He executed the Shepherd and Trystane but spared young Gaemon.

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10/23/2024 07:12 am GMT
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Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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