Clues for the end-game that ‘the Dragon and the Wolf’ left us with

August 27th, 9:12pm August 28th, 12:35am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’.
It is the 27 of August and, guess what? The finale of the seventh season – ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’ aired on this day exactly a year ago. Although we might have broken it down for you, yet the question that remains is what role these events will play in the final season of Game of Thrones. We will talk about end-game theories based on this episode in a while but let’s first discuss when can we expect Game of Thrones Season 8 to air?
The Final Season has been confirmed to air in the first half of 2019. With the filming already wrapped up, it is safe to assume that a teaser or two would be dropped by the end of this year. Also, if this comes to be true we will definitely get the official trailer in the months of February or March of 2019. Moreover, HBO will also return to its old pattern of airing the series in mid-April, which it got deviated from in the seventh season. Now, let’s talk about the hints for the end-game we get from the episode ‘the Dragon and the Wolf’:
#1. Sansa will emerge as the true leader of Winterfell:
Sansa Stark started off in the first season as a young girl who dreams of being a lady, marrying Joffrey, and someday even becoming the Queen. Her dreams never come to terms but instead, her life becomes a prison of eternal torture when her father is killed. She is taken a hostage by the Lannisters and later is used by people like Petyr Baelish to be used as a token for gaining power in the Seven Kingdoms. But, the way Sansa emerged out as a tough ruler and decision-maker in the episode – especially by sentencing Littlefinger to die, is worthy of commendation. It won’t be surprising at all if we see Sansa making some of the toughest decisions of her life in the Seventh Season.
#2. The pack survives?
The last scene shared by Arya Stark and Sansa in the finale of Season Seven not only gave us the reunion of the Stark sisters but also reminisce the good old days. Both Stark girls talked about what their father said about winter. “When the snow falls and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives,” says Sansa to Arya. When we go a deeper meaning, it means that now that all the wolves of the pack are reunited again, nobody can bring them any more harm. But, with the bitter-sweet ending promised nobody can accurately predict who will survive?
#3. We’ll learn what deal did Tyrion make with Cersei?
Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and the others on their team met up at the Dragon Pit to discuss the threat of the White Walkers. Cersei ultimately understood the threat and decided to help only on the condition of Jon Snow extending his truce towards her. But, Jon, as he said, had pledged himself to Daenerys and couldn’t serve two queens at once, didn’t accept her offer. This made Cersei angry and she walked away. If it weren’t for Tyrion she wouldn’t have ever decided to help. The private conversation between Tyrion and his sister ended with Tyrion realizing that she is pregnant. But, we never got to see what deal he made with her? But, Cersei will betray them all anyway, wouldn’t she?
#4. What’s up with Tyrion with his concerned look over Jon and Daenerys’s pivotal scene?
As we’ve known from the beginning, Tyrion Lannister is more of a great diplomat than a sword fighter. He wanted Jon to eventually to bend-the-knee to Daenerys in order to form a political alliance between the houses of Targaryen and Stark. The show will possibly spill the beans and let us know what Tyrion’s concerned look over the union of ‘Fire’ and ‘Ice’ meant? We’ve got a few speculations here.
#5. Theon Greyjoy redeeming himself even more:
After sharing a brief scene with Jon Snow and realizing that he doesn’t make a choice between being a Stark or a Greyjoy, Theon finally decided to redeem himself. He set out to seek the support of the remaining Iron-borns in order to rescue his sister Yara Greyjoy. Even after being humiliated and mocked, Theon was still stubborn on getting his sister back from the clutches of Euron Greyjoy. He got into a fight with Harrag and won it, ultimately redeeming himself and proving himself worthy of the support of the Iron-born. We definitely expect Theon to develop a much better story arc for himself in the final season by rescuing his sister and getting into epic battles.
#6. Bran and Sam will team-up and make an astonishing discovery of the secrets of the Night King:
Samwell Tarly met with Bran Stark at Winterfell with all the things he had learned at the Citadel and will finally reunite with his old pal – Jon Snow in Season 8. But, “the Truth” that they unearthed in the Season 7 finale about Jon’s heritage definitely gave us a hint about the duo teaming up together to unearth many more mysteries especially about the Night King, his motivation, and the key to his demise.
#7. Cleganebowl is a thing for Season 8:
The much-awaited Cleganebowl was once again hyped-up in the most recent episode of Game of Thrones when the Clegane brothers reunited. It was propelled even further with what the Hound said to his brother:
“Remember me? Yeah, you do. You’re even f**king uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn’t matter…That’s not how it ends for you, brother…You know who coming for you…You’ve always known.”
The only question that remains now is what chances does it have in the final season of Game of Thrones? Only time will tell.
#8. Jaime and Brienne will fight side-by-side:
Like many other, Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth too met at the Dragon Pit. Although under different circumstances, both of them shared a glance. After the Queen Cersei Lannister left the place after being infuriated at Jon’s refusal of extending his truce, Brienne asked Jaime to convince his sister otherwise. With Jaime now riding for the North, having abandoned his sister, it’s safe to assume that he and Brienne will fight side-by-side in the Battle of the Dawn.
#9. Will Winterfell fall?
The closing scene of the last season gave us a hint about where the Army of the Dead might be headed next. Some fans believe that the wolf-like pattern in which the dead cross the Wall symbolizes that they are coming for the Starks next. But, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the Night King is coming for the Starks next. Does it?
So, these were our 9 takeaways for the Final Season of Game of Thrones from the episode ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’. Which one of these is the most probable in the final season? Tell us in the comments.
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