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Video compares Game of Thrones to the Indian epic Mahabharata



Game of Thrones is based on the brilliant book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, by author George R. R. Martin. The story is set in an age which could be easily compared to some of the mythological settings we have read and read about, in our lives. If you’re an Indian, you must have definitely heard stories from the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata, recounted to you. These are two giant epics, and when you think about it, Game of Thrones is basically a modern day epic, too. However, there are more similarities than we actually notice on the first thought. A YouTube video compares the Mahabharata to Game of Thrones, and the parallels are uncanny!

We all know how Game of Thrones seasons last for not so long, followed by long times of filming. Being as huge as the Thrones fandom is, we too have our share of fan-art, and crazy theories, and YouTube videos which might often trip you up. We have talked about quite a few fan videos, before, but this one is perhaps the most intriguing one we’ve seen till date. Coming from the YouTube channel Epified, this video draws parallels between Mahabharata, and Game of Thrones. The video highlights the similarities between the key characters from both stories. Watch the video, below :

Uncanny, right? If you know enough about Mahabharata, you will definitely wonder if George R. R. Martin drew inspiration from the epic while writing the series. Epified has certainly put quite some effort in the video, too. Even though we knew of characters from both the ends, we still hadn’t thought about the similarities, before this video presented it to us in a very obvious way. Now we can’t stop thinking about it.

What do you think? Can you think of any more similarities between Mahabharata and Game of Thrones? Or maybe some other epic? Tell us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
