The Battle of Winterfell wiped off one of the oldest houses in Westeros!

SPOILER ALERT! Please turn back if you haven’t yet watched the latest Game Of Thrones episode.
Everyone knew that the 3rd episode of season 8 was going to be epic as it had the biggest battle scene in cinema history, but once the episode started, it just kept on shocking and stunning everyone. It’s been half an hour since the episode got over and I still have goosebumps, and I am not being disrespectful to Marvel fans here, but this episode made Avengers: Endgame look like an entertaining movie for the kids.
We knew that many people were going to die during the Battle of Winterfell and I had even mentioned that Lyanna Mormont might die while talking about the details that people might have missed in episode 2 and sadly it turned out to be correct. However, I didn’t expect Ser Jorah Mormont to die as well, and with that House Mormont is dead, at least in the show. We’ll wait for The Winds of Winter to release to see what George R. R. Martin has in his mind.
House Mormont is one of the oldest Houses in Westeros who had stood firmly behind House Stark even when no one was willing to fight for them. Many people might not know that the Starks had gifted Bear Island to the Mormonts after King Rodrick Stark won a wrestling match with an Ironborn. In the show, only two members of House Mormont remained before the Battle of Winterfell started – Ser Jorah Mormont, and the Queen of sass, Lyanna Mormont and both of them fell while fighting heroically to defend the living against the dead.
Lyanna Mormont has been a part of the show for a very short part, and she has hardly any scenes, but Bella Ramsey, who plays the character ensured that all the fans fell in love with Lyanna Mormont and people even wanted her to sit on the Iron Throne. Lyanna had a small army, but that never stopped her from doing what was needed.
In the latest episode, when a Wight Giant broke through the doors of Winterfell and killed a lot of people, the tiny Lyanna Mormont charged towards the Giant and poked a Dragonglass dagger right through its eyes, just seconds after the Giant crushed her entire body. It felt sad to see her come back as a Wight when the Night King resurrected the dead in Winterfell.
Jorah Mormont has had an incredible character arc throughout the series. He had shamed his family and had to run away from Westeros for slave trading, and he later started serving Daenerys and betrayed her as well by passing on information about her to King Robert, but he fell in love with her and served her in the best possible manner ever since.
In the previous episode, we saw that Samwell gave him Heartsbane, which is the Valyrian Steel sword that belonged to House Tarly and he made full use of the sword and ensured that Daenerys stayed alive and in the end, he gave up his life to save her.
With this, House Mormont joins several houses that have gone extinct on the show, but they have made sure that their house will stay in the minds of everyone for the sacrifice that they have made and till the end, they stood true to their house words: “Here We Stand.”
The Dead are gone, but the Living may prove tougher to deal with. In a nutshell that is the defining tune of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 ‘The Last of the Starks’. And the Starks are proving to be tough nuts to crack. This episode, Sansa and Arya learn a truth that could derail the existing political equations. Before you proceed further, SPOILER ALERT!
The Great War dealt with, questions of conflicting loyalties arise again. A lot of characters are in a very uncomfortable place in that regard, none more than Jon Snow.
The Stark sisters finally learn the truth that has been revealed to Jon in the first episode – that he is not Ned Stark’s son after all, but Lyanna’s, and Rhaegar Targaryen is his true father. That makes him the direct male heir of the Targaryen line, the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.
The scene plays out in the Godswood, where Arya and Sansa have brought Jon in to discuss his loyalty to Daenerys Targaryen and remind him that he needs to stand beside his family. Instead, Jon chooses to let them know that he is not technically a Stark, with a little help from Bran the Three-Eyed Raven.
The scene is important in a lot of ways, not least because it explores the twisted and conflicting position Jon is in at the moment. His loyalty to both Daenerys and the Stark sisters are heavily tested, and for the moment the Starks win out.
Only, there are two problems.
1) In trying to stay true to his sisters, Jon has to ignore Dany’s request of not letting the secret out.
2) The secret, of course, doesn’t stop there but spreads to Dany’s own advisers as well. At least one of them (Varys) is saying it aloud that Jon Snow might be a better choice to rule the realm than Dany.
In an earlier scene, Daenerys comes to Jon’s room in an attempt to smooth out the tensions between them. Jon assures her that he doesn’t want the throne but Dany points out he may not have a choice – he did not want to be King in the North either but had to concede to people’s will. Daenerys begs him not to share the secret with anyone, particularly his sisters. Her exact words: “You won’t be able to control it or what it does to people. No matter how many times you bend the knee.”
And Jon goes and does exactly that.
In the space of one episode, the secret then spreads to Tyrion via Sansa, and then to Varys. This actively puts Daenerys herself and her rule in danger, as both of her advisers have been concerned about her impulsive tendencies for a while now. Varys spells out what Tyrion still doesn’t want to admit to himself – “People are drawn to him.” And of course, there’s also the matter that Jon is a male heir and therefore much more acceptable to the conservative lords and ladies of Westeros.
Daenerys is proved to be right – Sansa does want to supplant her and put Jon in the Throne. What she still doesn’t know that her own advisers are starting to want that as well.
Was Jon right to tell Sansa and Arya the truth? What do you think? Tell us in the comments!
Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 4, “The Last of the Starks“, was brutal, and it saw a couple of important characters meet their end. The episode with its deaths made it feel like the Game of Thrones of old times. One of these deaths came by surprise, and it involved Euron Greyjoy and his great aim. Before we proceed — SPOILER ALERT! Consider yourself warned!
We know that The Unsullied are going to Dragonstone by sea, with Daenerys in the air. The scene we are referring to happens when Daenerys Targaryen is flying with her dragons over the sea, when they arrive at Dragonstone.
We suddenly see Rhaegal hit with a giant metal spear, and thus appears the Greyjoy fleet with Euron at the helm, with the Scorpion crossbow loaded up. He then fires two more spears at Rhaegal, while the dragon is still in the air, killing him for good and Rhaegal drops into the sea.
After all the fighting in “The Long Night” and the amount of damage that the dragons managed to survive, it looked as if they were invincible. If they could avoid death at the hands of the Night King, it would be mental even to consider that a pirate like Euron could get one of them, but it happened.
We had seen Bronn attempt to get Drogon with the same weapon once in the Season 7 episode, “The Spoils of War”, but he had failed. Euron had the Iron Islander’s aiming skills with him.
What did you guys think about Rhaegal’s death? Talk to us in the comments, down below!
Game of Thrones has been a show that has always broken our hearts, and it did it again today. Last week, with “The Long Night”, we saw once again how the show could throw some big surprises. Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 4 aired today and it brought more of the same, including the death of one long-time and loyal character. Before you proceed — SPOILER ALERT!
Now, the character we are talking about is Missandei. In Game of Thrones Season 8, episode 4, we saw Missandei being captured by the Iron Fleet and brought to Cersei Lannister. They take her to the top of the castle gate of King’s Landing, in shackles, as Daenerys Targaryen comes with the Unsullied to offer Cersei a final negotiation, the Iron Throne in return for her life. Cersei has the same terms, and through Qyburn, threatens to kill Missandei on the spot, if Daenerys refuses.
Tyrion still offers Cersei a chance to save herself and her unborn child, but she does not consider it. Cersei then asks Missandei for her last words, to which she says “Dracarys“.
Cersei orders the execution, and the Mountain beheads Missandei with his sword. Down below, we see Grey Worm go through a lot of pain seeing his loved one die. Next to him is Daenerys nearing tears, and in the distance, Tyrion, flinching.
With “The Long Night”, we almost had a sense of safety thinking along the lines of “If the Night King couldn’t kill them all, neither can Cersei”. Well, after his episode, we’re not sure how to feel about that. It seems the Queen is proving to be a very competent enemy, and we could be losing a lot more people in “The Last War” than we previously thought.
What did you feel about Missandei’s death? Tell us in the comments, down below!
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