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Maisie Williams talks about the long-awaited reunion with Nymeria



Fans of HBO’s most cherished show ‘Game of Thrones’ witnessed two major reunions in the 2nd episode of this season titled ‘Stormborn’ which released this Sunday. The first reunion was between Arya Stark and her friend Hot Pie. The duo met again at the same inn where they had parted ways four seasons ago, after being held by ‘The Brotherhood without Banners’. Hot Pie let her know about Jon winning back Winterfell. The sequence was an important one, for it changed Arya’s mind and she decided to go North to meet her family; to go home.

And now we shift our attention from the ‘reunion’ to the ‘mega reunion’. Nymeria the Direwolf; last seen in the second episode of the first season finally met her long-lost friend Arya. Maisie Williams spoke with Entertainment Weekly about the long-awaited reunion.

“Ever since the show got rid of Nymeria, it’s one of the questions I’ve been tweeted the most. It’s even nicer that they don’t live happily ever after. Nymeria has created her own world and created her own pack and isn’t ready to be Arya’s pet. To be someone’s pet would reverse everything she’s learned. So they almost just regard each other and go their separate ways.”

The episode’s writer and show’s co-executive producer Bryan Cogman, also spoke about the scene.

“So much of this season is swinging back to season 1. Since we last had Arya in the Riverlands she’s had all these crazy adventures. In a television show that’s all about Nymeria the Wolf, she’s had adventures too. She’s gathered this pack of wolves and is now doing the Old Gods’ work herself. Arya and Nymeria do and don’t have the connection they’ve always had. In the end, they’re both lone wolves. They can’t go back to the way things were. And that might be foreshadowing for Arya too.”

“That’s not you,” says Arya after Nymeria walks away from her. Now, that scene puts the viewers in a dilemma about the wolf being Nymeria. However, it is just a throwback to the scene between Ned and Arya. Ned wanted Arya to marry and have kids and stay in a castle after growing up, but Arya wanted to be independent and follow her own path and when Nymeria chose to stay with her wolf pack, rather than coming with Arya, she realized that Nymeria was just like her and she bid her adieu.

What are your thoughts about this scene? Let us know in the comments below.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
