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Kit Harington says fans will be emotionally torn when Game of Thrones ends



February 1st, 2:31am February 1st, 2:31am Abhinav PathakFiction Writer and Editor Based In Bangalore | Author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’

Game of Thrones Season 8 is underway. And, we’ve got the airing date with the new teaser Dragonstone. As we come closer to April, more and more interviews surface. Where it was Lena Headey talking to Jimmy Kimmel Live about the new season, this time it’s Kit Harington.

Kit Harington – who has played the lead Aegon ‘Jon Snow’ Targaryen since the first season of Game of Thrones – recently had an interview with Sky News. There he shared his feeling when saying a goodbye to Game of Thrones and his latest ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ film

Talking about the ending of Game of Thrones, Kit said that it would leave the fans ‘emotionally torn’. The same thing has been teased by several other stars like Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) who believes that fans will have to take a therapy after watching the new season. Yet mean that the season is truly going to be epic with intense CGI and battle sequences.

“[It’s going to be] emotional for everyone watching and everyone who was involved..It’s going to be… just the whole thing ending, it’s finishing, it’s wrapping up, a bit like these movies are…being a part of these movies and finishing this side of my dragon movies, and then the other big one in my life finishing as well…I think viewers are going to be quite emotionally torn about it ending.”

Yet these emotions aren’t the only thing Kit Harington talked about. He also shared his plans for the finale:

“I think I’m going to have a party…Oh, I don’t know yet… I don’t know if I want to watch it on my own quietly just myself, or whether I’ll have a party and watch it with lots of other people…I just can’t really decide that yet.”

Lastly, he also talked about his latest movie ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. He talked about getting used to filming with dragons (Does that mean…?). He said:

“I work with dragons a lot, it seems, all different types and sizes and shapes…Which is wonderful… I mean, bizarre. I don’t know how that happened in my life…I hope it’s not the end of working with dragons.”

Comparing Dragons on Game of Thrones with the ones in How to Train Your Dragon franchise, Kit revealed:;

“The ones on Thrones are a bit grumpy…These ones are naughty, but I think slightly more friendly to humans.”

“I love working on this film because your part is an even smaller cog than usual in that you’ve got these incredible animators and this huge team of people that make what you’re doing look really good, which is a wonderful thing.”

Read the full interview here! What were your thoughts on Kit’s interview on the variety? Tell us in the comments section down below.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
