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Kit Harington defends Game of Thrones fans accused of bad behaviour during his play



Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow on Game of Thrones has a huge fan following throughout the world, and when his new play Doctor Faustus came out, many fans flocked to the theatre to see their favourite star perform in it. Recently, it was revealed that some of the fans at the theatre behaved quite badly while watching the performance, and that they ate McDonald’s and talking loudly among other things.

Theatre producer Richard Jordan spoke about the fact that it was the majority of Game of Thrones fans who behaved in an unacceptable manner at the theatre. He said that they were the commercial audience who did not care for the social etiquette that one must follow while watching a performance in the theatre. With this news coming out about Game of Thrones fans, many of us were a bit taken aback. However, Kit Harington defended his fans by saying that there was hardly any rude behaviour from the spectators while his play was being performed.

He told the Guardian the following:“I am afraid that, if the theatre is going to die of anything, it will be from exactly this type of stereotyping and prejudice aimed towards a new and younger generation of theatregoers.”

He went on to further defend the spectators by saying, “I have been a theatregoer since childhood and I didn’t feel that our audiences were disrespectful in the slightest. In the whole run of 10 weeks, I can count one time that a phone went off in the audience. Of course pictures were occasionally taken, as unfortunately cannot be avoided in any audience anywhere today, but on the whole it was not a huge amount and definitely not off-putting as a performer. I found our audiences to be hugely enthusiastic, energised and responsive. I can’t think of a greater support I’ve had as an actor on the stage.”

It is heartwarming to see actors defending the fans who love them so much for what they do, and Kit’s response to Game of Thrones fans being slammed for bad behaviour is truly a great gesture on his part.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
