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John Bradley talks about why he doesn't like starring on Game of Thrones



Game of Thrones is a huge show, and it has only gotten bigger over time. There have been many a heroic characters, but then there’s Samwell Tarly, who comes across as a wimp, but has lived the life of a braveheart. John Bradley, who plays the role of Samwell on Game of Thrones, recently talked about what he disliked about working on the show, in an interview with Shortlist, reports DigitalSpy. Read on!

First off, John said he doesn’t like his costume. He complained about how his trousers keep ripping, and how it’s like “walking around in a fur wardrobe”:

“There are some really beautiful costumes on Game of Thrones. Mine isn’t one of them. When the show’s over, I’m going to ceremonially burn that cloak.”

He talked about how his character has had to be filmed in the worst conditions :

“Any bit of the show where the landscape looks inhospitable, there’s been a good chance I’ll be popping up.

I remember huddling with Kit Harington and a couple of other actors in Belfast in season 1, swearing I couldn’t think of anywhere I could go where I’d be colder or more exposed to the elements.

A few days later, an email with ‘ICELAND’ at the top popped into my inbox and I realised I’d spoken too soon.”

He also talked about how the cast of the show has missed out on enjoying it because they were stuck behind the screen :

“The way people talk about the show, it always makes me feel like I’ve missed out. I love those big TV moments, those parts of Breaking Bad and The Wire that leave you speechless.

Anyone who’s been involved in the show missed out on that experience.”

What do you think will happen to Samwell Tarly in Season 8? Hopefully he gets a better costume! Talk to us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
