Hillary Clinton compares herself to Cersei Lannister in her new book
September 15th, 1:23am June 28th, 7:35pm Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff writer at Wiki of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is a tricky show, with so many characters and storylines to follow, but the show is nearly as tricky up as American politics. When Donald Trump came to power, a lot of analogies started rolling out comparing American politics to the politics of Westeros, but never did we see anybody compare themselves to someone on the show. Hillary Clinton just compared herself to Cersei Lannister, and Twitter has been blowing up about it. Read on!
Now, as some of you might know, Hillary Clinton has written a new book about her loss in the 2016 American Presidential Elections, titled “What Happened”, and within hours of the book being released, Twitter started blowing up with this classic meme material that Charlie Spiering of Breitbart News found in the book. Apparently the Trump rallies made Hillary feel like Cersei during her walk of shame. Read it below :
Easily the worst analogy she could have used to drive the point. The book has been getting terrible reviews, but this just made the whole situation worse. Check out some of the reaction tweets, below :
There indeed are striking similarities, but who would think Hillary would point it out herself? What do you think about this? Talk to us in the comments, down below!
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