Getting Ready For House of The Dragon : Meet The Dragons – Part 7

Ever since HBO announced the beginning of production of House of The Dragon, fans all over the world have been on their toes. And they should be, it is the first prequel series to have received the green light after all. With just a year left in the official release of the upcoming show, it’s time we get on the hype train. House of The Dragon shows potential, and there’s one factor it will greatly improve on Game of Thrones, that is the number of dragons. Over the last few weeks, here at Wiki of Thrones, we provided you with information about various dragons, that might appear in the prequel series. This is the concluding piece of the article series. If you feel like we missed out on any of these fantastic beasts, please mention them in the comments, we might bring them up in future posts.
Today’s article covers the wild dragons that were present at the time of Dance of the Dragons – Cannibal, Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost. They might make an appearance on House of The Dragon.
Cannibal’s exact age is unknown, but it is said to be the oldest and largest of all the wild dragons. He was black as coal, with menacing green eyes. He was known to be very hostile, even towards fellow dragons. It may be because of the fact Cannibal descended from a different line of dragons, and lived at Dragonstone way before the arrival of Targaryens. He was known to attack smaller dragons, devour dragon cadavers and dragon eggs. No one dared to tame him due to his fearsome reputation. Cannibal was one of the four dragons that survived the Dance of the Dragons, but was never seen after the war.
Sheepstealer was a wild male dragon during the Dance of the Dragons with a taste for mutton. It lived at the back of Dragonmont and would hunt between Driftmark and Wendwater. The smallfolk of Dragonstone named it for a self-evident reason. At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, he was one of three wild dragons living on Dragonstone.
Sheepstealer’s colouring was an ugly mud brown. He was not aggressive towards humans unless provoked, but could be vicious and ill-tempered. Sheepstealer was not a young dragon by the time Nettles bonded with him, well over fifty years old.
Sheepstealer had never been tamed before the arrival of a bastard girl named Nettles. She eventually managed to tame the dragon, through a cunning method. She left out a freshly killed sheep for the dragon every morning, causing the dragon to grow accustomed to her presence until he allowed her to mount him. Along with Rhaenyra Targaryen’s other dragonriders, Nettles and Sheepstealer took part in the Battle of the Gullet.
Nettles fled along with Sheepstealer from Westeros when Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen labelled her a traitor. The dragon and its rider were last seen flying over the Bay of Crabs. They were never found again.
Grey Ghost:
Grey Ghost was a wild male dragon that dwelt in a smoking vent high on the desolate eastern side of the volcano called Dragonmont. He was named by Dragonstone’s smallfolk who could rarely find him. He was never claimed nor ridden by anyone. Grey Ghost was a pale grey-white, the colour of morning mist.
He was a notably shy dragon who avoided men and their works for years at a time. He preferred to feed on fish and was often glimpsed flying low over the narrow sea, snatching prey from the waters.
Grey Ghost was never captured or tamed as he was ever an elusive creature. He was killed and partially devoured by Sunfyre upon the latter’s return to Dragonstone.
Honourable Mention
Morning was a she-dragon that hatched during the Dance of the Dragons. It belonged to Lady Rhaena Targaryen, the daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon. Morning’s scales were pale pink, but with black horns and crest. During the third month of 135 AC, Morning was big enough for Rhaena to ride.
Morning was one of four dragons to survive the Dance of the Dragons – and the only one still controlled by the Targaryens. By the start of 134 AC, Morning had grown much and had made her lair in the Dragonpit. On the third day of the third month of 135 AC, Rhaena rode upon the back of Morning for the first time. Morning died around 153 AC of unknown causes.
What are excited to see in House of The Dragons besides the dragons? Tell us in the comments below!
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