Game of Thrones showrunners pranked Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams about pilot wrap party invitations

Sometimes working on a project for long makes it boring, no matter how interesting the work is. Co-workers tend to play little pranks on each other to have some fun while working, which keeps the job entertaining. Game of Thrones stars Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams were victims of one such prank, right after filming the first episode.
Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss pranked the duo, who were 13 and 12 respectively back then, into thinking they weren’t invited to the pilot wrap party. They were told they were under-aged and therefore not welcome.
Benioff said, “We told Maisie and Sophie that since they were underage, they couldn’t come to the pilot wrap party. So we told them they were going to have a special underage wrap party at McDonald’s. They started crying.”
“They came to the real wrap party and cried through that — because they thought they might never see each other again,” he revealed in the book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon, written by Entertainment Weekly editor James Hibberd.
Maisie Williams’ Arya Stark and Sophie Turner’s Sansa Stark do not meet on-screen after season one up until season seven. The pair continued to develop a close friendship off-screen, often bonding like sisters.
Game of Thrones was a life-changing event for both Williams and Turner. Not only did they achieve fame and success, but they also made great friends on set with co-stars. What do you think about the showrunners’ prank? Let us know in the comments below!
When it comes to costume design and VFX scenes, no show even comes close to HBO’s Game of Thrones. The on-point casting, gruesome battle scenes and amazing storyline won the show record number of Emmy Awards. The amount of hard work that goes into making prosthetics is evident from the detailing on each character. The show once released a behind-the-scene promo showcasing the hard work of makeup artists. They were so good that Richard Brake’s co-stars didn’t even know it was him under the Night King get-up.
Brake told Digital Spy, “I was covered in prosthetics – massive fingernails; false teeth; literally the biggest contacts you could put in a human eye – they were agonising. So obviously the last thing I really felt like doing was sitting around and having chitchats between takes. I would just stay very quiet.”
He continued, “On one of the first nights we were shooting ‘Hardhome’, everyone was gathering in Belfast to eat, all the actors. I showed up a little late, of course, because it takes two hours to get the make-up off. And then I sat down, and, of course, Kit and everybody went, ‘Who the hell is this guy?’ They thought I was a homeless man on the street that just popped in to have a free meal. I said, ‘No, no. I’m the Night King. I was the guy who was chasing you off the pier all day’.”
Were you able to recognize Richard Brake under his disguise? Talk to us in the comments below!
They say laughter is the best medicine. Looking at the current scenario, it seems quite fit. With the pandemic on the rise again and no viable vaccine, smiles are the only cure we have. Comedians have often used parodies to induce laughs amongst the audience. Even TV shows and movies have their own parodies. Therefore, it’s not possible for a show as big as Game of Thrones to skip the radar as well. Moreover, it seems author George R.R. Martin is heartily amused as well.
On his personal blog Not a Blog, Martin confessed being parodied in a post. He wrote, “Way way back in 1969, when the world and I were young, the Harvard Lampoon did a hilarious send-up of Tolkien and LORD OF THE RINGS, called BORED OF THE RINGS. It is still in print all these years later. Spam and Dildo, Arrowroot son of Arrowshirt, Pepsi and Moxie… a hoot.
And now, I guess, it is my turn.
The Harvard Lampoon has turned its sights on A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE and come up with LAME OF THRONES.
Yes, they sent me a copy.
No, I have not looked at it yet. I am working up the courage.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say… but the parody is right up there, so…
Thanks. I guess.”
Martin earlier updated fans about House of The Dragon’s progress. What do you think of the Game of Thrones parody? Tell us in the comments below!
Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the biggest shows to film in the past decade both in terms of budget and viewership. Managing such a huge franchise is no joke. Even though the showrunners and the crew were careful and worked really hard to make the show near perfect, little accidents and goofs slipped through their clutches. Like the one time, a Starbucks cup was left on Winterfell set during filming. Sometimes things got more serious and resulted in clashes between the actors.
Entertainment Weekly Editor James Hibberd’s book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon delves into such behind-the-set mysteries. Game of Thrones director Mark Mylod revealed one such fight in the book. The clash between Ian McShane (Brother Ray) and Rory McCann (Sandor Clegane) over a distasteful burger.
Mylod described Ian as a force of nature. He said, “He’s gone down in Game of Thrones crew folklore as being the person who most improved the catering. His lunch was brought up to him and he disliked his burger.”
“So he kicked it and it went flying, and had a few choice words of what he thought of the burger. The burger whacked into Rory, who was enjoying his burger and had no complaints.”
There is no mention of how Rory reacted over the flying burger. Although according to the co-creator, it was his ‘inner rage’ that landed him his role in the series in the first place. Mark went on to thank Ian, however, because after that incident the show got a new caterer.
How would you have reacted to the flying burger? Tell us in the comments below!
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