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Game of Thrones cinematographer talks about filming the Red Wedding



Game of Thrones is a show that is intense at times, and it has its set of emotionally harrowing scenes throughout the show. The show has broken our hearts multiple times over the years, but one scene still remains at the top of this list : the Red Wedding. Robert McLachlan, who works as the cinematographer for Game of Thrones talked about filming the scene, in a new interview. Read on!

We hadrecently reportedabout an interview with Robert McLachlan, the cinematographer for Game of Thrones, where he revealed that Season 7 will have several show-stopping episodes. In a new interview withBusiness Insider, about the Red Wedding scene, and more. He was then asked if he has any idea if the Red Wedding would end up being such a big deal. He replied :

“I was aware that the Red Wedding was gonna be a big deal, and we wanted everyone to be incredibly shocked by it – those who hadn’t read the books. And the nice thing about the way they approach the filming on that show is that it’s not you do all your prep work in one block and then sit down and shoot like crazy for two or three weeks, like you do in most episodic television. Your schedule is sort of scattered throughout. So I had a lot of time to really chew on how I was going to approach it. The lighting, it’s kind of built into the production design so that part was easy. But I also wanted to heighten it.”

He then went on to explain how they built up the scene :

“I really, really didn’t want to tip our hand to the viewers that anything bad was gonna happen, and quite the reverse: I wanted to make them think absolutely for sure they were gonna get the happy ending that everybody was really dying for. So I got the art department – with the blessing of the producers and director David Nutter – to overload the banquet hall with candelabras and torches so that it was, if not by Disney standards, certainly by “Game of Thrones” standards, very bright.”

He also talked about what inspired him for his work on the show, and how it was to work on Game of Thrones. He said :

“…one of the things they do is we’re all handed iPads with frames from previous episodes categorized by set, with examples of how each cinematographer has approached that set. The way they organize the whole shoot, it’s absolutely the best organized TV show I’ve ever been on. They’re very good. And from the get-go, there’s a culture of excellence that permeates everything where nobody will accept anything but the best.”

We can’t wait to see his work on Season 7. What about you? Talk to us in the comments down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
