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Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner suggests Sansa might go over to the dark side in season 7



Sansa Stark has had quite a Season. Strike that, she has had quite a life. One of the most important characters, Sansa has undergone a lot of changes since the beginning of the series. Season 6 was very important for her, and shows her in a relatively positive place, which is something she is not used to seeing. In an interview with entertainment portal Vulture, Sophie Turner, the actress who plays Sansa Stark, talked about her character, Season 7 possibilities, and more. Read on!

Talking about Sansa’s Season 6 journey, Sophie Turner said :

“At the end of the season, Sansa gets a taste of power — and it’s the first time that she’s had that ever, really. She feels like it’s deserved because she did so much for Jon and the North, so when she saves the day and doesn’t get any recognition for it, it was like she had that first taste of power and then was immediately stripped of it. She was stripped of the respect that she really feels she deserves. She was trying to give her input to Jon and trying to be a collaborative leader, but it’s difficult when it’s a patriarchy and when there’s sexism. It would be a real adjustment for Jon to listen to her and do what she says. So she was looking to Littlefinger like, oh, you’re right. Maybe that pretty picture you painted of me on the throne and you by my side isn’t such a bad one. And then there’s the smile as well, her walking away after killing Ramsay. That’s also quite interesting. You wonder if it’s just a smile because it’s her first kill, because this man is out of her life, or whether she’s going to get a taste for it. Whether she enjoyed it. Whether it’s a power trip. But she definitely is a lot more powerful, and it’ll be very interesting to see how she handles that coming up this season.”

Talking about Sansa and whether she could go over to the dark side :

“Oh, yeah. This is so much more Dark Sansa. When she changed her outfit, that was just the first hint that she was ready to start playing the game. That was a mild version of Dark Sansa, and now it’s really starting to feel like there is a dark side to her. She’s playing the game now, and very ruthlessly. When she wants something, she’s going to go out and get it.”

When asked how she is dealing with the show nearing its end :

“It’s definitely emotional. We can really feel everything slowly coming to an end. We’d have these discussions like, “What are we going to do on the last day on set? What are you going to get the producers?” It’s all becoming quite real now that we’re coming to a close. It’s quite somber on set, but everyone’s just trying to enjoy it as much as possible. Trying to get the most out of it. Trying not to take anything for granted.”

Sophie Turner also talked about a lot more, including her matching tattoos with Maisie Williams, and on-set pranks. Check out the full interview, here.

How do you see things going for Sansa in Season 7? Tell us in the comments, below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
