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Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner expects a Sansa and Arya reunion in season 7



After Sansa Stark‘s recent badass moves and serious character development on Game of Thrones, fans have cheered on the elder Lady Stark post season 6. And with this newfound popularity, we wonder what’s going to be her track in season 7, but actress Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, seems to have an idea in her mind as to what she wishes would happen for Sansa.

Turner is of the opinion that an Arya and Sansa reunion is pending, and that they should probably be together as a family next season. During an interview with the Wrap, she revealed that it is unlikely as of now, but if the two Stark sisters were to meet, they’d meet in dark and depressing circumstances. After Sansa’s reunion with Jon Snow, Turner thinks its time she met Arya already.

“That’s probably top of my list, is Arya and Sansa getting back together,” she said. “I feel like it has to happen, but at the same time, if it did happen, would it be too obvious? Would it be too much of a good thing? Nothing that satisfactory happens on the show, because it’s ‘Game of Thrones,’ they want to make it dark and depressing and that’s what makes it amazing.”

We think that since Sophie loves actress Maisie Williams(who plays Arya Stark) so much, it could be the reason she wants Sansa and Arya to reunite to spend more time with her best friend! What do you think will happen if Arya and Sansa were to meet in season 7? Tell us in the comments.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
