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Game of Thrones actor lands in Belfast, confirming a major character return for Season 8



Game of Thrones has a lot of characters, and a lot have died over the years. Now, as Season 8 filming continues, we are still uncertain about the return of some of these characters. However, today we have a little piece of information that might mark the return of a major character for Season 8. SPOILER ALERT! Consider yourself warned.

Now, the character we are speaking about is not one of the several leads, or the secondary characters with them. Instead, it’s an old character, who appears in flashbacks. We’re speaking of Rhaegar Targaryen. After the big reveal in Season 7, it was unknown whether Rhaegar would show up in Season 8 again, but looks like he will. ActorWild Scolding, who played the role, recently uploaded a picture to his Instagram account, standing in front of a hotel, instantly confirming that he was in Belfast. While the picture was deleted, fans managed to take screenshots of the same before it was taken down. Check it out, below:

Rhaegar’s in town?! More flashbacks!#GameOfThrones

— A Red Priestess (@a_red_priestess) April 30, 2018

Now, of course, just his presence in the city wouldn’t mean Rhaegar will be in Season 8. However, since the picture was later deleted, it’s almost certain now that Scolding will be seen in the final season of the show. He wouldn’t have gotten overly conscious and deleted the picture had he gone to Belfast for just a weekend trip.

There is a good chance that he shows up in one of Bran Stark‘s visions, who is the Three-eyed Raven, and we might get to see a bit more of a backstory to his character play out. There’s also a good chance we might see Lyanna Stark again. However, we cannot yet be certain about the whole situation. What do you guys think will Rhaegar be doing in Season 8? Got any theories and speculations? Hit us up in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
