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DC’s latest Green Lantern comic recreates Game of Thrones’ iconic “Dracarys” moment




Game of Thrones has a massive fanbase, and it’s no secret that we all are just a huge collective of geeks. The series comes from the universe George R. R. Martin established in his books, which are quite a read. The creative artists at the DC headquarters seem to be a big fan of Game of Thrones as well, quite frequently basing new worlds on Martin’s established universe, and sometimes straightout referencing the show. In the most recent Green Lantern issue, one cannot help but notice a direct reference to the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen herself.

Green Lantern #11 from Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci, and Tom Raney sees an evil sorceress named Yridian being freed from Oa’s sciencells, and aiding the rogue Guardian Koyos in a final battle against the Green Lantern corps. The Green Lanterns’ powers are close to exhaustion, and Yridian summons a mighty dragon using magic to hasten their demise. While she unleashes the mighty and terrifying beast, she yells, “Drakonys!”, similar to how Daenerys commands Drogon to shoot dragonfire using the word “Dracarys”.


And just as all hope seems lost for the Lanterns, John Stewart saves the day (yes, in this case Jon or rather, John, really saves the day) by turning into a Green Lantern God, becoming the embodiment of willpower. Not only that, he finishes the war with another Game of Thrones reference:

“If you think I’m going to stay here and watch more of my people die when I could do something to stop it…you haven’t been paying attention.” 

Can you guess which famous dialogue this line is referring to? This is a clear reference to when Ramsey Bolton tells Theon Greyjoy, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Did you enjoy Green Lantern’s latest issue? Tell us in the comments below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Sayantan is a keen follower of everything pop culture; from films, shows, anime to video games and latest memes. He started writing professionally for Wiki of Thrones during the 2021 lockdown, and has been developing his writing and editing skills ever since. Sayantan has since worked for several reputed firms, such as Collider and FandomWire, gathering experience and nods from some of the best in the industry. With a growing repertoire amassing renowned websites, Sayantan is your go to guy for all things Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. When he is not hunting for headlines and theories, you can find him engrossed in fantasy shows, conspiracy theories and video games.

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