House of The Dragon to film at ‘City of Stone’ in Portugal

Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon has created quite a buzz amongst the fan community. Ever since its announcement back in 2019, fans have been on the edge. That’s why when it began filming in April this year, they’ve been flocking everywhere the shooting is taking place to get a glimpse of the ongoing action. And HBO has taken strict measures to ensure all the inside details stay hidden until the show is officially released. However, certain details are leaked every now and then.
Last week it was reported by the Spanish newspaper Hoy that the Game of Thrones prequel will be shooting at key places in Spain and Portugal. Though we knew which locations in Spain were going to be used, there was no news about any such place in Portugal. Now we know where the series is going to film, the first shoot in Portugal for the Game of Thrones franchise.
As reported by MiscelANA, the location that was picked for House of The Dragon is the historical Portuguese city of Monsanto, closer to the border with Spain. Monsanto (Saint Hill in Portuguese) is also known as the city of stones due to its unique houses made of stone and surrounded by mountains. It looks perfect as a scene from the Game of Thrones.
Monsanto is one of Portugal’s oldest cities, laid back with Roman ruins. It was Dom Afonso Henriques who won it back from the Moors and gifted it to the Templars. They built the castle and the fortress which still harbours some of the remains after so much time.
What do you think of the new location selected for House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!