Sophie Turner shared an adorable photo of the Stark kids and the internet is swooning

Sophie Turner is hands down the coolest Game of Thrones cast member when it comes to social media savviness. Her Twitter and Instagram feeds have always been goldmines for all things Game Of Thrones, and now she has just upped the coolness quotient by sharing this adorable behind-the-scenes photo of the three surviving Stark kids – in very un-Starky avatars.
Take a look!
The photo is a monitor capture from the Dragonpit scene, where all the lords and ladies of Westeros assemble to decide the fate of the Kingdoms after Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s death. It was an incredibly sombre scene, so this behind-the-scenes silliness rings all the funnier. Sophie captioned it “The pack survived”, in remembrance of Ned Stark’s words to the Stark girls in Season 1.
But What would Ned Stark say if he saw his children now? Arya Stark rocks some shades like the boss she is, and Bran the Broken is goofing around with a bottle on his head. The cherry on the cake is Sansa Stark smoking a Juul. Papa and Mama Stark must be rolling in their graves, kids!