Game of Thrones finally gave us a ‘bittersweet’ ending in the series finale

Game of Thrones finally ended amid a number of tears and fan theories. We all definitely didn’t see this episode like a total ‘bittersweet’ ending coming through. Though many fans complained about the last episode especially with the sudden turn of the character arc of many of their favourite characters, we couldn’t have expected Game of Thrones to end in a different fashion.
In this post, we talk about the ending of Game of Thrones and how the showrunners managed to uphold the ‘sweet’ amid the ‘bittersweet’ ending and a major death in this episode. What follows is a bunch of spoilers from the latest episode, so you’ve been warned before you proceed!
Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 6 opens up with the aftermath of the battle of King’s Landing in the previous episode ‘The Bells’. As we see Jon, Davos, and Tyrion taking a walk through the ruins of the capital, we also witness Unsullied execute the prisoners of war. This leads us to Daenerys who is showing the true Targaryen traits of ‘Fire and Blood’ and is still willing to liberate other kingdoms in Westeros in her speech to her armies. Tyrion – who has now been taken prisoner requests Jon Snow to do what is in the best interest of the realm and suggests ending the terror.
Though we initially think, Jon will be firm on his decision of following his queen yet his honour demands him to execute Daenerys, ensuring the safety of Westeros. Though one may find Daenerys’ death challenging to watch, the best part here was the melting of the Iron Throne by dragon-fire. The Iron Throne as the chronicles suggested was forged with dragon-fire, yet watching it melt away in flames was truly poetic. After Drogon flies away with Daenerys Targaryen’s corpse, we see a time jump, leading to the meeting in the Dragonpit and discussing the future of the realm after the last war.
The council decides to vote for ‘Bran the Broken’ as its one true ruler, however, the North is declared as an independent kingdom. Jon Snow is sent to the Wall, ensuring his safety where he reunites with Ghost and Tormund Giantsbane. Another time jump shows us Ser Brienne of Tarth – the new Lord Commander of the King’s Guard filling up the pages of the White Book with the last honourable deeds of Ser Jaime Lannister. A small council meeting is held where Sam who now is the Grand Maester presents the work of Archmaester Ebrose, which is titled, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and King Bran decides to find Drogon’s location. He then leaves the room for the council members.
In the end, we see Arya Stark sailing West of Westeros, Jon leading the Wildlings back to their homeland and Sansa Stark being declared the ‘Queen in the North’.
Yet, the series finale manages to uphold the sweet part in the bittersweet ending by showing us how the terrors of every war need to come to an end. Maybe most of us expected Jon or Daenerys or both as the ruler(s) of the Seven Kingdoms yet ‘the wheel’ needed to be broken in the end with the events that followed Robert’s Rebellion. Westeros deserved a much-awaited peace and prosperity from all the horrors of wars and the monarchy of one king after the other. Westeros, in the end, gets a democratic rule – where lords and ladies get to decide who rules over them. This, in my view, is the best possible ending for Game of Thrones at this point in the series when we’ve seen how the common folks suffer the spoils of war.
Lastly, talking about Jon and Daenerys and their love never coming to terms, this wasn’t going to be the case after Dany underwent such a bend in her character that there was no turning back. She had to die in order to ensure the fulfilment of her dream of breaking the wheel. Jon Snow, on the other hand, was meant to remain in the North – either by being King in the North or by joining the Night’s Watch. But, he being the King would again force him into the dilemma of choosing sides and taking even tougher decisions – which would again be something he would never want.
So, this was my take on the ‘bittersweet’ ending of Game of Thrones. What about you? How satisfying was the final episode of Game of Thrones for you? Tell us in the comments.