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Watch the best parts of Game of Thrones in this six minute video!



Game of Thrones has been gone for a long time, and it has been over a year since Season 6begun airing. We all know that Season 7 is on a delayed schedule, arriving much later than usual. It’s the first season to have filmed in the same year as the premiere, and the premiere is about two months away now, scheduled for July 16th. While some of us might be re-watching the full six seasons before that, not everybody can find the time. A new YouTube video shows the best parts of Game of Thrones in six minutes. Read on!

Uploaded by Parade Magazine, the video condenses the six seasons of Game of Thrones in six minutes, making it quite a nice way for those among us who want a quick recap of the show, or those rare being who might want to watch Season 7 before watching the first six. Check it out, below :

The video is a part of their “Best of” series, condensing pop culture items into short videos which explain it all. How did you like this video? Tell us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
