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Take a look at how Cersei's giant map of Westeros was brought to life



Game of Thrones is not only one of the biggest shows on the planet right now, but also a massive spectacle. The likes of production quality that the show has brought out is somewhat unparalleled, and as such an insight into the makings of the show are always interesting.

Now, if you remember, one of the most noticeable things we saw in Game of Thrones Season 7, was the huge map of Westeros that Cersei seems to have gotten a custom job made of. In the scene in Season 7 that featured the map, we saw Cersei dismiss the artist, who is shown working on the map.

The role of this artist was played byJim Stanes, the lead graphic designer for the show, who actually worked on bringing the map to life. In a recent interview with Indiewire, he discussed the makings of the map. Read on!

A 3D map has been seen at Dragonstone before, but this one was a 2D painting, and was still in progress when it appeared on the show. Stanes said :

“When the map was first commissioned, there were no specific instructions other than the size of the floor, which the map was required to fill, and that it should show Westeros surrounded by sea. Artwork I developed for the map was discussed and altered. At one point I had to start again, after the decision to make this floor map relate to the map in the opening title sequence.”

Stanes further explained that the map drew inspiration from “multitudinous medieval references but from nothing specific.” He explained :

“I’ve been doing medieval style maps for ages, and have much reference. The map was designed at my desk in the Set Dec office in Belfast. This was painted artwork and digital artwork, small scale.

Two scenic painters, Dave Packard and Greg Winter, came to Belfast to paint by hand the full size map from artwork provided by myself and Rhiannon Fraser in Graphics. The actual map was more or less painted in situ, on the floor of a sound stage in Titanic Studios… with acrylic paint on MDF tiles at 60cm square. These were painted vertically and then laid into the floor.”

Check out some of the design blueprints and concept art, below :


He continued :

“There would have been some carpenters and painters involved in the making of the 60cm tiles. The painters provided a marbled background to each tile before the main image was painted onto it. Two scenic painters and two graphics, not to mention designers and producers. So maybe six people directly and maybe 10 or so generally.”

Apparently the map was designed to be tough, and capable of withstanding damage when it’s walked on, so we might get to see it again in Season 8. What do you think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
