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Most Americans would skip Game of Thrones Season 8 for $1000, says a bizarre new survey



Game of Thrones has one of the biggest fanbases ever, and we are known for our unyielding love of the show. However there’s a fact we cannot deny: not everybody loves the show the same. A bizarre new survey now says most Americans will choose $1000 if given the choice between that, and Game of Thrones Season 8. Yes. Read on!

Now, the survey comes from a micro-investment firm named Acorns, and they have a big number. According to a report by TheStreet, over 75% of Americans would skip Game of Thrones Season 8, if offered $1000. To put things in perspective, here are the top three insights from the survey:

— Three quarters of Americans between the ages of 18 and 44 would not watch the final season of Game of Thrones in exchange for $1,000.

— Another 75% said they would “forego the Internet for a week” and “give up coffee for a year” for a $1,000 cash payout.

— Almost 70% of respondents would rather share their weight than how much money they’ve saved (72% of men vs. 64% of women.)

The report focused on how the middle class working Joe Americans find it hard to put together his savings to treat themselves every now and then, or further the savings for some practical expenditure, so in that context, it makes sense that people would take the thousand dollars.

What about you? Would you rather take the money or watch Game of Thrones Season 8? Our choice is clear. What about yours? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
