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Lena Headey had objected to the Cersei-Euron scene in Game Of Thrones Season 8 premiere



You know the drill, there will be spoilers. The premiere of the final episode of Game of Thrones saw several reunions. Most made us happy. Jon and Arya meeting was #adorbs. The last time they met, Ned Stark was still alive. We’re allowed to be flippant about that now, it was eight years ago. The “reunion” that did raise some eyebrows was the one between Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy.

For those of you who haven’t watched the episode yet, Euron and Cersei got down and dirty.

After Euron shows up at King’s Landing with the mercenaries of the Golden Company at his back, along with their troops and horses (alas, no elephants), Euron, the cad that he is, hints at wanting something more from Cersei. Sex, to be precise.

Cersei isn’t initially too sold on the idea. However, after hearing Euron’s veiled threats of reneging on his deal, Cersei has a change of heart mind.

She wasn’t the only one with misgivings. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, actress Lena Headey who plays Cersei Lannister said that she too had hesitations about that happening between the two.

“I kept saying, ‘She wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, that she would keep fighting,” Headey told EW. “But [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] obviously know what they’re doing and were adamant Cersei would do what she had to do.”

Pilou Asbaek, who plays Euron Greyjoy said that the topic was pondered upon quite a lot before it made the cut.

“We had a lot of discussions,” Pilou said. “Would it be out of character for her to be with Greyjoy for power? We discussed it so much that we almost ended up going, ‘Maybe it’s too much.’ Then we decided to try it out and see if it works. Sometimes you have to show different sides of a character. You have to surprise yourself as an actor but you also have to surprise yourself as a character.”

Considering that Cersei has always been above all, a survivalist, it stands to reason that she’d sleep with somebody purely for power, even if that somebody was as unhinged as Euron.

What did you think about Cersei’s decision? Let us know in the comments!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
