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Kit Harington says he cried after reading Game of Thrones season 8 script




As most of you know, Game of Thrones Season 8 is now under production. Like expected, filming has begun in October, and the cast recently did table read of the scripts. One of the main actors on the show has been Kit Harington, who plays the role of Jon Snow on the show. He recently discussed the table read in an interview, and said that he cried at the end of it. Read on!

Kit was recently on The One Show hosted by Ricky Wilson and Alex Jones, he spoke about dealing with the end of Game of Thrones. He confessed :

“I’m really emotional about it. We had the read through last week, so I know everything. But I cried at the end – not over anything particular that happened – but it’s been 8 years and no one cares about it more than we do.”

He continued :

“It’s going to be a strange year saying goodbye to people.”

Watch a clip from the interview, down below :

There’s another bad news for fans of Kit. He said in this interview that he will be cutting off his trademark hair as soon as Game of Thrones ends filming, and joked about how nobody will recognize him once he does that.

So, what do you think happens to Jon Snow in Season 8? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

Game of Thrones Season 8 is almost here, and we have a cool new experience built up, all for you guys. We know the biggest question of this fandom, over the years, has been “Who lives and who dies?” While there’s a good chance that everybody dies in this final season because Valar Morghulis, you can still play one last guessing game. This time, it’s on us. Read on!

We bring to you, the Wiki of Thrones Death Pool! Mark your predictions for every week with our easy to use dead/alive status buttons, and then submit your entry to qualify. Do this every week. The Death Pool is already up and running, and you can go participate in it at right now.

The Wiki of Thrones Death Pool is more fun with your friends, so share the link with them, and get them to participate as well. You get 1 point for every correct submission, and the person with the highest number of points at the end of the season will win the Grand Prize!

So go on, and get playing! See you on the other side!

Game of Thrones’ star attraction is the Mother of Dragons, also known as Daenerys Targaryen, and Emilia Clarke, in our realm. As the show draws to an end, the very one that made her name, every fan is looking forward to how it ends for Emilia, and what’s beyond it. She recently gave a nice big interview as the covergirl for the December/January issue of Harper’s BAZAAR magazine, where she discussed quite a lot of things. Let’s get into it!

The issue will hit the stands November 28th. Check out the cover, below :

Speaking of where she comes from, Emilia said :

“It’s this epic story: My grandmother was colonial Indian, and it was a big old family secret because her mum had an affair with someone in India. She would wear makeup to make her skin look white. She loved India more than she loved England. Fuck, yeah. I love that part of me—I’m like one-eighth Indian.”

Apparently Esquire’s sexiest woman alive doesn’t quite believe in the concept of ‘the one’ :

“There is ‘the one’ for particular parts of your life—you change as you get older. So when I was in my teens, there was ‘the one’ for my teens, for sure, and then, you know, there’s ‘the one’ for the next time of your life. There’s this Buddhist philosophy that says you can only really understand yourself through your interactions with other people

I think in the early days I second-guessed everyone. I mean, I do that in life anyway, but especially with fame and becoming successful, and strangers knowing you more than your circle of friends, I would worry about what people thought of me. Then you get to a point where you’re like, ‘You know what? I’m okay.’”

She also spoke about how the talk about nudity on Game of Thrones annoys her :

“I’m starting to get really annoyed about this stuff now because people say, ‘Oh, yeah, all the porn sites went down when Game of Thrones came back on.’ I’m like, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale?’ I fucking love that show, and I cried when it ended because I couldn’t handle not seeing it. That is all sex and nudity. There are so many shows centered around this very true fact that people reproduce.

People fuck for pleasure—it’s part of life.”

Here are some of the pictures from Harper’s Bazaar interview.


Of the many characters that make Game of Thrones what it is, there is one that is held to be the key to the whole thing by many a fans, and that is because the character has an air of mystery to it. We are of course speaking of Bran Stark, who is now the Three-Eyed Raven, and all deep. We have seen the character undergo transformation like no other on the show, and the character is at a point right now where he could be holding the key to defeating the Army of the Dead. In a recent interview, Issac Hempstead Wright, who plays the role of Bran Stark, revealed his thoughts on how the Bran Stark character arc could come full circle. Read on!

Issac recently spoke to TIME, and it seems he has a new theory, and it’s not that same old theory which says that Bran Stark is actually the Night King, although we won’t be giving up on it just yet. Issac explained his alternate theory :

“I like the idea that it’s actually a full circle and Bran becomes the Three-Eyed Raven that was in his dreams when he was younger. I like the idea that it’s a deterministic, destiny driven thing where the old wise man went back in time as the Three-Eyed Raven to tell the young Bran to go north to the cave and it’s a paradox.”

Now, this isn’t really that far fetched, definitely lesser than the Night King theory. There have been things said that can be taken as clues. For example, this famous dialogue : “The past is already written. The ink is dry.” This is an indicator that Bran can’t really change anything, but can just become what he is supposed to become. There is a good chance he actually goes back to help himself become the Three-Eyed Raven. The Three-Eyed Raven even says to him as a farewell : “The time has come…for you to become me.” Could be yet another clue.

Issac also expressed his love for fan theories :

“My favorite fan interactions are always when someone has something to say about the show or some kind of theory, because I’m a big fan of the show as well. I think I speak for the whole cast when I say that we all love this television series as much as everyone else does. So when someone comes up to me and gives me a theory or asks me my opinion on something, I love being able to talk about that.

What do you think? Could Issac’s theory actually be true? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
