House of The Dragon – A quick look at the cast confirmed so far

Ever since its announcement back in 2019, Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon has got the fans really hyped up. HBO Chief Casey Bloys has confirmed time over time that it is the only prequel project they have greenlit so far, which is due for release in 2022. The production has been moving very swiftly, as evident from the various set pictures leaking every now and then on the internet. George R. R. Martin has even theorized the highly awaited prequel will be on the screens by springtime in 2022. That leaves less than a year’s time of waiting, and HBO’s making sure the show is worth the wait by using the latest tech available for shoots.
While we’re waiting, let’s have a quick revision of the cast that has been confirmed so far.
1. Paddy Considine
Character – King Viserys I Targaryen
Mount – Balerion, the Black Dread
Description – King Viserys – The peace-loving king. Known far and wide for his amicable and firm nature. The ruler whose death sparked the beginning of the Dance of the Dragons. Loves his wife, his daughter and the kingdom deeply. An efficient ruler.
2. Matt Smith
Character – Daemon Targaryen
Mount – Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm
Description – Daemon is the most feared man in all of Westeros at the time of Dance of the dragons. He shares a respectful relationship with his older brother, King Viserys Targaryen, and openly supports him. He is known to have engaged in a number of amorous relationships, outside of his marriage with Rhaenyra. However, he supports his wife and niece Rhaenyra during the civil war.
3. Olivia Cooke
Character – Alicent Hightower
Mount – N/A
Description – Alicent is the second wife of King Viserys I Targaryen. She’s mature and ambitious, and wants to claim the Iron Throne for her family by any means necessary. She is the main adversary of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and pushes her eldest son, Aegon II Targaryen, to be the next king. She plays a key role in causing the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragon.
4. Emma D’Arcy
Character – Rhaenyra Targaryen
Mount – Syrax
Description – Rhaenyra Targaryen is the eldest child of King Viserys I and only one surviving from his first marriage. Viserys names her as his successor and moulds her to be a ruler right from her childhood. Her claims are challenged after her father’s death, when Alicent pushes her son Aegon II Targaryen for the Iron Throne. She is one of the main characters and will play a major role in House of the Dragon.
5. Eve Best
Character – Rhaenys Velaryon
Mount – Meleys, the Red Queen
Description – Princess Rhaenys Velaryon – The Queen that never was. Eldest daughter of Prince Aemon Targaryen, the eldest son of King Jaehaerys. Cousin to King Viserys I, she was denied the Iron Throne upon her father’s death simply for being a woman. Rhaenys is powerful, smart, loyal and a skilled dragonrider. She will be taking Queen Rhaenyra’s side in House of The Dragon.
6. Steve Toussaint
Character – Corlys Velaryon
Mount – Sea Snake, the ship
Description – Corlys Velaryon – the Sea Snake, a nickname taken from his famous ship. The Lord of the Tides is the head of House Velaryon. Coryls is the greatest sailor that the Seven Kingdoms have ever known, for his sailing adventures to the known world and beyond. He is Rhaenyra Targaryen’s chief advisor and will play an important role in the series.
7. Fabien Frankel
Character – Criston Cole
Mount – A white horse of unknown name
Description – Criston Cole is the greatest knight in Westeros at the time of Dance of the Dragons. Unlike most knights, who prefer using a blade, Cole’s favourite weapon of choice is a morningstar. He splits from Rhaenyra after an alleged love affair, and sides with Alicent, becoming the Lord commander of the Kingsguard.
8. Rhys Ifans
Character – Otto Hightower
Mount – N/A
Description – Otto Hightower, originally the Hand of King Viserys I. Hightower is a learned scholar, skilled in the matters of politics, power, chivalry and war and possesses high ambitions for his house. During the Dance, Hightower is an ardent supporter of his daughter Alicent. He absolutely hates the late king’s younger brother Daemon Targaryen.
9. Sonoya Mizuno
Character – Mysaria
Mount – N/A
Description – Mysaria of Lys, also known as Lady Misery. She first appears as a lowlife dancer in King’s Landing, eventually becoming Daemon Targaryen’s love interest. She becomes the unofficial “mistress of whispers”, and keeps tabs on all the ongoing chit chat between members of both the opposing parties. Though she doesn’t directly participate in the civil war, she operates from behind the curtains and will be important to the story of House of The Dragon.
10. John Macmillan
Character – Laenor Velaryon (rumoured)
Mount – Seasmoke
Description – Laenor Velaryon is the husband to Rhaenyra Targaryen and son of Corlys Velaryon. He is known to be gay and his marriage with Rhaenyra is completely political. It was rumoured that his children with Rhaenyra were not really his, but were bastards, which was spread by Alicent to strengthen her claim to the Iron Throne. He is one of the supporting characters important to the story of the civil war.
11. John and Michael Cooke
Character – The Cargyll brothers (rumoured)
Mount – N/A
Description – The legendary Kingsguard duo, twin brothers – Arryk and Erryk Cargyll. Both of them play a moving role in the House of The Dragon. Their story shows how the loving brothers are torn apart by the war, and end up fighting each other on opposite sides. Think of it as an older version of the Clegane Bowl, only more brutal, emotionally.
12. Graham McTavish
Character – To be announced
Do you have any actors in mind for other characters in House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
Ever since HBO announced the beginning of production of House of The Dragon, fans all over the world have been on their toes. And they should be, it is the first prequel series to have received the green light after all. With just a year left in the official release of the upcoming show, it’s time we get on the hype train. House of The Dragon shows potential, and there’s one factor it will greatly improve on Game of Thrones, that is the number of dragons. Over the last few weeks, here at Wiki of Thrones, we provided you with information about various dragons, that might appear in the prequel series. This is the concluding piece of the article series. If you feel like we missed out on any of these fantastic beasts, please mention them in the comments, we might bring them up in future posts.
Today’s article covers the wild dragons that were present at the time of Dance of the Dragons – Cannibal, Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost. They might make an appearance on House of The Dragon.
Cannibal’s exact age is unknown, but it is said to be the oldest and largest of all the wild dragons. He was black as coal, with menacing green eyes. He was known to be very hostile, even towards fellow dragons. It may be because of the fact Cannibal descended from a different line of dragons, and lived at Dragonstone way before the arrival of Targaryens. He was known to attack smaller dragons, devour dragon cadavers and dragon eggs. No one dared to tame him due to his fearsome reputation. Cannibal was one of the four dragons that survived the Dance of the Dragons, but was never seen after the war.
Sheepstealer was a wild male dragon during the Dance of the Dragons with a taste for mutton. It lived at the back of Dragonmont and would hunt between Driftmark and Wendwater. The smallfolk of Dragonstone named it for a self-evident reason. At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, he was one of three wild dragons living on Dragonstone.
Sheepstealer’s colouring was an ugly mud brown. He was not aggressive towards humans unless provoked, but could be vicious and ill-tempered. Sheepstealer was not a young dragon by the time Nettles bonded with him, well over fifty years old.
Sheepstealer had never been tamed before the arrival of a bastard girl named Nettles. She eventually managed to tame the dragon, through a cunning method. She left out a freshly killed sheep for the dragon every morning, causing the dragon to grow accustomed to her presence until he allowed her to mount him. Along with Rhaenyra Targaryen’s other dragonriders, Nettles and Sheepstealer took part in the Battle of the Gullet.
Nettles fled along with Sheepstealer from Westeros when Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen labelled her a traitor. The dragon and its rider were last seen flying over the Bay of Crabs. They were never found again.
Grey Ghost:
Grey Ghost was a wild male dragon that dwelt in a smoking vent high on the desolate eastern side of the volcano called Dragonmont. He was named by Dragonstone’s smallfolk who could rarely find him. He was never claimed nor ridden by anyone. Grey Ghost was a pale grey-white, the colour of morning mist.
He was a notably shy dragon who avoided men and their works for years at a time. He preferred to feed on fish and was often glimpsed flying low over the narrow sea, snatching prey from the waters.
Grey Ghost was never captured or tamed as he was ever an elusive creature. He was killed and partially devoured by Sunfyre upon the latter’s return to Dragonstone.
Honourable Mention
Morning was a she-dragon that hatched during the Dance of the Dragons. It belonged to Lady Rhaena Targaryen, the daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon. Morning’s scales were pale pink, but with black horns and crest. During the third month of 135 AC, Morning was big enough for Rhaena to ride.
Morning was one of four dragons to survive the Dance of the Dragons – and the only one still controlled by the Targaryens. By the start of 134 AC, Morning had grown much and had made her lair in the Dragonpit. On the third day of the third month of 135 AC, Rhaena rode upon the back of Morning for the first time. Morning died around 153 AC of unknown causes.
What are excited to see in House of The Dragons besides the dragons? Tell us in the comments below!
Dragons are intelligent creatures. They can be trained to serve as battle mounts and understand vocal commands. They are said to be capricious and have to be trained to keep them from destroying everything around them. Today’s article is a continuation of Wiki of Thrones special ‘Getting Ready For House of The Dragon’ segment. For the next few days, here at Wiki of Thrones, you’ll find information about various dragons that might appear on the Game of Thrones prequel series. If we missed your favourite dragon, do not worry, leave a comment below and we’ll cover your beloved beast in the next issue!
Today’s post covers five dragons from the Dance of The Dragons lore – Tyraxes, Vermax, Stormcloud, Morghul and Shrykos. They are most certainly to appear in the House of The Dragon.
1. Tyraxes :
Tyraxes was a young male dragon ridden by Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen’s youngest son Prince Joffrey Velaryon. It was slightly smaller than Vermax or Arrax, large enough to fly long distances with a rider but not fit for battle yet. Rhaenyra forbade Joffrey to fly Tyraxes into battle because of the same reason. Tyraxes bonded with Joffrey somewhere around 120 AC.
During the Dance of The Dragons, Tyraxes was chained most of the time in his lair. He had only flown once when Joffrey flew to Vale to get his cousin Rhaena of Pentos. Tyraxes killed loads of dragon-slayers before he was killed by the mob in the Storming of the Dragon Pit.
2. Vermax :
Vermax was a young male dragon claimed by Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, the oldest son of Rhaenyra Targaryen. He was claimed by the young prince somewhere around 120 AC and was big enough to ride during the civil war. Jacaerys flew north on his back, as a messenger for his mother, to negotiate an alliance with Lady Jeyne Arryn, Lord Manderly, and Lord Cregan Stark. His mission was successful.
Jacaerys used Vermax in battle, during the Battle in the Gullet. Vermax attacked a fleet, but he flew too low and went crashing down into the sea. Jacaerys and Vermax were never seen again, presumably dead.
3. Stormcloud :
Stormcloud was a young male dragon bonded with King Aegon III Targaryen, a half-brother of Jacaerys Velaryon. During the civil war, it was decided by Prince Jacaerys that his half-brothers Aegon and Viserys Targaryen should be sent to Pentos for their safety. In 129 AC the duo left for Pentos in a ship, but were attacked on the way by enemy warships.
Prince Aegon somehow managed to survive and flew to Dragonstone, desperately clinging to his dragon’s neck. Stormcloud, however, was badly injured. His body was riddled with countless arrows and a scorpion bolt to his neck. The dragon died within an hour while trying to save the young prince. Aegon never flew again after Stormcloud’s death.
4. Morghul :
Morghul was a young dragon bound to Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, wife and cousin of King Aegon III Targaryen. At the time of the Dance, Morghul was big enough to fly but was never ridden. He was killed in the Storming of the dragon pit by the ‘Burning Knight‘. Morghul killed scores of attackers before being slain by the dying knight’s spear.
5. Shrykos :
Shrykos was a young she-dragon bound to Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, son of King Aegon II Targaryen. She was young enough to fly but was never ridden. She was kept in the dragon pit bound with chains. The dragon was slain by the angry mob that ransacked the pit during the Storming. The final blow was dealt by a woodsman known as Hobb the Hewer who leapt onto her neck driving his axe into her skull. Shrykos killed loads before dying by Hobb’s axe, who struck her seven times calling out the name of each of the Seven.
Which other dragons would you like to see in House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
Dragons are believed to be intrinsically tied to magic in the world. Since the death of the last dragon in 153 AC, summers grew shorter and the winters colder and crueller, while magical spells became less powerful. Dragonbone is as strong as steel, but lighter and far more flexible, and impervious to fire. It has been used to make brooches, bows, hilts of Valyrian steel daggers, and whip handles.
Today’s article is a continuation of Wiki of Thrones special ‘Getting Ready For House of The Dragon’ segment. For the next few days, here at Wiki of Thrones, you’ll find information about various dragons that might appear on the Game of Thrones prequel series. If we missed your favourite dragon, do not worry, leave a comment below and we’ll cover your beloved beast in the next issue!
Today’s post covers three important dragons from the Dance of The Dragons lore – Arrax, Seasmoke and Quicksilver. They are most certainly to appear in the House of The Dragon.
1. Arrax :
Arrax was a male dragon ridden by Prince Lucerys Velaryon during the Dance of the Dragons. The dragon’s colouration was pearlescent white with a yellow flame, golden eyes and a golden chest. At the outbreak of the Dance, he was mature enough to be ridden but still young and growing. He was five times smaller than Vhagar. Arrax was placed as an egg near the young prince as a baby, and he hatched no later than about 120 AC.
Lucerys flew to Storm’s End, arriving before a gathering storm. He found Prince Aemond and his dragon Vhagar already present. Aemond tried to goad Lucerys into a fight, insulting him, calling him a Strong bastard, but Lucerys, sworn not to fight, refused him. He delivered his message to Lord Borros Baratheon, but was refused and told to leave.
Borros prevented Aemond from attacking his cousin in the castle, but did allow for the prince to follow him. Mounted on his dragon, Aemond caught up with Lucerys during a raging storm. The fight between the two dragons did not last long. Vhagar, being five times bigger, had the advantage, and Arrax fell broken. His head and neck washed ashore three days later, along with the corpse of Lucerys.
Arrax was the first dragon to die during the Dance of The Dragons. He is intrinsically tied to the plot of House of The Dragon and hence sure to appear.
2. Quicksilver :
Quicksilver was the male dragon of King Aenys I Targaryen and his son, Prince Aegon Targaryen. In 43 AC, Quicksilver was a quarter the size of Balerion. His fireballs were pale white in colour. Although the colouring of his body is not stated in the books, his name as well as the colouring of his fire implies that Quicksilver’s scales were silver.
As a hatchling, Quicksilver bonded with Prince Aenys Targaryen. Aenys succeeded his father Aegon I Targaryen as king in 37 AC. After he died in 42 AC, and his half-brother Maegor claimed the Iron Throne. When Maegor I Targaryen became king, both Quicksilver and Dreamfyre remained in King’s Landing.
While Maegor was in Oldtown in 43 AC, Rhaena and Aegon, Aenys’ children, took note of Maegor’s absence from the capital. They managed to successfully infiltrate King’s Landing, though they knew they dare not seize the throne as they lacked the strength to hold it. They had come for dragons – Rhaena was reunited with Dreamfyre and Aegon finally claimed Quicksilver. Aegon attempted to win back the throne that by rights was his, but in 43 AC both Quicksilver and Aegon died fighting Maegor upon his dragon Balerion during the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye. Balerion grabbed Quicksilver’s throat in his jaws, then ripped one of Quicksilver’s wings from its body in mid-air, after which Quicksilver fell to its death, along with young Aegon.
Quicksilver may not be that important to the story of House of The Dragon itself, but he might appear in a flashback arc.
3. Seasmoke :
Seasmoke was a male dragon that had been previously ridden and left to go wild on Dragonstone. He was a pale silver-grey dragon. It was of fighting size during the Dance but still a young dragon and nimbler in the air than his older brothers. He was of comparable size to Tessarion, who was about three times smaller than Vermithor, and not as fearsome a beast as him in comparison.
Seasmoke was the pride and passion of Laenor Velaryon. After his death, no one had yet claimed Seasmoke. Jacaerys Velaryon called for dragonriders during the Dance of the Dragons. Seasmoke killed one of his kingsguard, Steffon Darklyn, during an attempt. Later, Addam of Hull was able to claim and ride it. Seasmoke and its rider, Addam of Hull, were one of the five dragons participating in the Battle in the Gullet.
As the Second Battle of Tumbleton was put into motion, Ser Addam was determined to prove that all bastards need not be turncloaks. Ser Addam attacked Tumbleton at night, taking the greens completely unawares. By this time, two of the enemy dragonriders, Hugh Hammer and Daeron the Daring, were dead; although Addam could not have known that, he could see Vermithor, Silverwing and Tessarion. The riderless Tessarion took flight and Addam turned his dragon to meet her. Both being young dragons they moved fast and nimbly as they fought. The fight ended when the riderless, enraged Vermithor rose into the sky and set about indiscriminately killing those on the ground.
As the Bronze Fury wreaked carnage, Seasmoke fell upon him, driving him shrieking into the mud. The riderless Blue Queen soon joined the fray and all three dragons fought to the death on the ground amidst mud and blood and smoke. Vermithor killed Seasmoke when he locked his teeth into his neck and ripped his head off. He attempted to take flight with his prize still in his jaws but his tattered wings could not lift his weight. After a moment he collapsed and died. Vermithor had also mortally wounded Tessarion, who died soon afterwards.
Seasmoke and Addam are very important to House of The Dragon’s plot, and hence sure to appear.
Which other dragons would you like to see in House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
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