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George R.R. Martin pays tribute to the wolf-dog named after Jon Snow's Direwolf Ghost



Yesterday, George R.R. Martin posted a tweet about the death of a wolf-dog named Ghost and it created quiet a frenzy among Game of Thrones fans, as they thought that George R.R. Martin was talking about the wolf that plays the role of Ghost in Game of Thrones.

George R.R. Martin posted a tribute after Ghost’s death on Sunday. Ghost was a part of the Westeros pack, which consisted of 10 rescued wolf-dogs, who were named by Martin and his wife after the direwolves and other characters from his A Song of Ice and Fire book series. Other names of the wolf-dogs include, Arya, Jon Snow, Brienne, Nymeria.

Martin posted a photo of Ghost on Twitter and Facebook with the following message : “In loving memory of the real life Ghost from the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. He passed this week & he will be missed. R.I.P

In loving memory of the real life Ghost from the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. He passed this week & he will be missed. R.I.P

— George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) May 23, 2017

Although Ghost didn’t actually play the character of Ghost in the TV series, fans of the show and many big publications assumed that it was the same dog and soon condolences started pouring in. Finally George R.R. Martin had to tweet again to clear the confusion caused by the name.

He tweeted, “Clarification, this was the wolf rescued by Wild Spirt and dubbed Ghost. NOT the wolf who plays Ghost on the show,” and also shared a link to the page for the Westeros Pack.

Clarification, this was the wolf rescued by Wild Spirt and dubbed Ghost. NOT the wolf who plays Ghost on the show.

— George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) May 23, 2017

Take a look at the touching tribute that was posted by Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary:

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
