Game of Thrones Season 8 ended a year ago. What’s next in line?

Game of Thrones Season 8 ended on May 19, 2020, and left us with a number of good and bad memories from the series. It finally ended the last year amid a number of tears and fan theories. The show also had a number of twists and turns at unexpected moments we didn’t realize were coming, especially in the final season. This was with the direction where Daenerys Targaryen’s character arc went in the penultimate episode.
We saw Daenerys Targaryen as a character most-loved by fans who had been addressed in the series by names like ‘Mother of Dragons’, ‘Breaker of Chains’, ‘Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea’ and many others. During the last few episodes of Game of Thrones Season 8, this image however somewhat faded away and the fans couldn’t take the unforeseen shift all of a sudden. Talking about characters like Jon Snow who deserved more through both the perspectives one for him being the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne and the other him being a fan-favorite. Yet as teased by George R. R. Martin for many years, the ending was supposed to be bittersweet but the only cool thing we all loved for Jon was him being reunited with his direwolf Ghost and taking the black and going to the true north where he actually belonged.
Talking about other major characters like Arya Stark and Sansa Stark, the end seemed to be apt with the former refusing to be a lady and deciding to discover ‘What’s West of Westeros, and the latter becoming the ‘Queen in the North’. According to me, Game of Thrones Season 8 did justice to both the Stark sisters by letting them become what they had been trained for several seasons of the series. Talking about Bran Stark, who had been gifted with the ability of Greensight or had become the ‘Three-Eyed Raven’ did deserve more but his powers didn’t seem too useful when it came to the Battle of Winterfell. Talking about the Night King, who was slain by Arya in the third episode of Game of Thrones Season 8, we didn’t actually get to know his actual purpose despite the fact that he wanted to kill the Three-Eyed Raven. But what did those cryptic symbols mean? And, what else was the Night King’s goal after he had killed Bran? I guess the real reason would be unknown to fans until George completes his two remaining books in ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series. This is also supported by the fact that the Bloodmoon prequel in development was soon canceled by HBO.
Talking about the Lannisters, Cersei and Jaime dying together seemed apt as per one of the quotes by Jaime in the series of him dying in the arms of the woman he loved. Yet, it occurs that long-awaited Valonqar Prophecy remained unfulfilled as we didn’t get to see that play out in the series. Talking about Tyrion Lannister, the ending for his character was one of the best in Game of Thrones Season 8 as he continued playing the Hand of the King, the latest to Bran Stark. Other characters like Ser Brienne of Tarth, Ser Davos Seaworth, and Samwell Tarly too got a satisfying ending in Game of Thrones Season 8 as they actually got what they deserved. Brienne who always wanted to become a knight actually became one in the last season and so did Samwell Tarly who wanted to be a Maester. Ser Davos too continued serving the Seven Kingdoms as an advisor to the King.
Yet Game of Thrones – an epic fantasy TV series which began back in 2011 has finally ended for good, leaving us with numerous memories to be cherished. Though Game of Thrones Season 8 was a disappointment to many fans yet the entire TV series will always remain reminiscent to our generation. We absolutely will keep adoring it and no other TV series will ever replace Game of Thrones. But the only question that remains to be answered is since the series is done and dusted, what’s next in line especially with two more books still remaining unreleased? Let’s explore these possibilities.
Will the next two installments to ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ after Game of Thrones Season 8?
Game of Thrones Season 8 was the last season of the entire TV series where we got to see only six episodes. Though the episodes were longer, yet the author of the Book Series has himself revealed that with enough material in the books, the TV series could have lasted for at least thirteen seasons. It has been around ten years since George RR Martin published the third last book in the book series ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ back in 2011 and the fans have been awaiting the last two installments ever since. Yet the books are more complex than the TV series with numerous characters who couldn’t make it to TV series. Thankfully, George had revealed the ending of Game of Thrones to the showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss so that the series could be adapted faithfully.
Talking about the last two books in the series named ‘Winds of Winter’ and ‘A Dream of Spring’ – all bibliophiles seem to have been waiting for them eternally, As the title suggests the former will show the advent of Winter in Westeros and the later will show the aftermath and how the Seven Kingdoms cope up with it. Yet angry fans often try to blame George and want a more satisfactory ending which they didn’t get in Game of Thrones Season 8. Hopefully, George should do some justice to characters like Daenerys and Jon who deserved more.
Release the damn books, George!
The prequel series ‘House of the Dragon’
There is much expected from the prequel series ‘House of the Dragon’ based on the book ‘Fire and Blood’ currently under development by HBO. The series is likely to premiere in 2022 and George R.R. Martin will once again come aboard for it as a co-executive producer. Hopefully, with George coming back for the new series, it will be something better, leaving the fans more contended. Moreover, the series will be written by Ryan Condal.
The wait for House of the Dragon is long. We don’t have any more clues about it apart from the fact that it will be set 300 years prior to the events of Game of Thrones.
More yet to come in Game of Thrones Franchise
We were previously told that at least five more prequel series or as George R. R. Martin likes to call them ‘successor shows’ are still under development. The first series to be announced called ‘Bloodmoon’ was canceled by HBO despite the cast been announced and pre-preparations for the shooting the pilot, done. We guess it will be a long time until we hear about more successor shows under development, not until the ‘House of the Dragon’ witnesses some more developments.
Talking about books from the other series based on the fantasy ‘World of Ice and Fire’, George will likely release more books as he did in 2019 with the first book in the Targaryen History series ‘Fire and Blood’. Yet, fans want him to finish ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series first.
So what do you think is the future of the ‘Game of Thrones’ franchise? Tell us in the comments section below.
Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago with numerous memories from all seasons to cherish. It had a number of episodes that brought in unexpected twists, character developments and even foreshadowed which way the story was being propelled. Some moments in the series were totally unexpected like the death of Ned Stark who was earlier expected to be the main protagonist in the story. This moment had a huge implication on the overall story. Such is the ‘Red Wedding’ from Season 3 of Game of Thrones.
It was bloody, it was gruesome and it was horrific and many of us decided to refrain from attending wedding feasts for a while! But jokes aside, the episode was brilliant and at the same time shocking for many fans of Game of Thrones. It was unexpected that the wedding feast of Edmure Tully and Roslin would turn out to be something totally out of the box and would be remembered in Westeros as the infamous ‘Red Wedding’. Talking about real-life too, it was shocking enough for the actor Richard Madden too who revealed in an interview that after filming he was all covered in fake blood and had to board a plane immediately after filming.
Well, the story written by George R. R. Martin was brilliant with an unexpected turn and the revelation of the secret alliance of the Freys and the Lannisters. The cinematography of the ninth episode of Season 3 ‘The Rains of Castamere’ was brilliant too as many of the fans almost cried at the death of a few of their favourite characters in series like Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Talisa Stark and her unborn child and even the direwolf Grey Wind. But the gruesome ‘Red Wedding’ had a major implication on the overall story too. It was a major pivotal moment. Let’s elaborate on how the ‘Red Wedding’ commenced and how did it have an implication on the overall story and the characters especially on Arya Stark.
1. The Death of Robb Stark
After the death of Ned Stark, we all hated the Lannisters as they were behind the execution of the truly good character in Game of Thrones. Even before the death of his father, Robb Stark alongside the Northern houses had waged war against the Lannisters to get his father and two sisters back. And he was emerging victorious, especially at the moment when he successfully captured Jaime Lannister. He was a true leader and the commander of the Northern forces and even was crowned the ‘King in the North’ – a title given up the Northern Kings long before the Seven Kingdoms were under the rule of the Targaryens.
After the death of Ned Stark, the young wolf had even turned too aggressive towards the Lannisters and was winning all the wars with a successful strategy. This continued until he reached the Twins and was offered an alliance with the Freys to cross the bridge and reach the South. But Robb now in love with Talisa, declined the offer and chose to marry her instead. This wasn’t approved by the Freys and the Northerners were tricked into getting Edmure Tully married to Roslin Frey in order to seal another alliance. But who knew that their wedding feast would soon turn into the ‘Red Wedding’.
Robb Stark met the worst demise any king in Westeros could ever meet. He was killed alongside his wife, unborn child and mother. The major shocker was when the final blow came from one of his own bannermen Roose Bolton with the phrase ‘The Lannisters send their regards’. The worst part was when his direwolf Grey Wind’s head was stitched to his corpse and he was paraded through the Twins with the Freys chanting ‘King in the North’.
2. The death of Talisa Stark and Robb’s unborn child
This episode of Game of Thrones truly crossed all boundaries, showing the murder of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. It was only the last season when Talisa from Volantis first met Robb Stark and fell in love with him. She was nursing the injured soldiers of the Northern army, though coming from a noble family. It was because of her the alliance between the Freys and the Starks was broken when Robb decided to marry her instead of one of Walder Frey’s daughter. Though the couple did very well and Talisa was even getting along well with Catelyn Stark until the ‘Red Wedding’ showed her being brutally murdered alongside her unborn child. This broke Robb as instead of leaving the tower upon being told to do so by Catelyn he decided to stay and glance at the corpse of his wife. Yet there still is hope for her in the books (Jeyne Westerling) unless George RR Martin decides to kill her off too!
3. The death of Catelyn Stark
Catelyn Stark was the loyal wife of Eddard Stark – the warden of the North. Though after a couple of episodes in the first season, all fans had realised her cold behaviour towards Jon Snow whom she believes to be the son of her husband and his old love Ashara Dayne in the books. Catelyn totally hated Jon as he was a constant reminder to her of her husband’s infidelity. But she loved all of her five children. This was shown when she decided to travel all the way across Westeros to reach King’s Landing to tell her husband that it was Lannisters behind the murder attempt on Bran. Even upon realising that the alliance with the Freys was broken, she came forward to mend the broken ties by apologizing to Walder Frey.
The Freys seemed to be convinced yet this proved otherwise when they betrayed the Starks at the Red Wedding. She was the first to realise that something bad was coming when she heard the tune of the infamous ‘Rains of Castamere’. Though she tried to save her injured son by threatening Walder Frey, putting a knife to the throat of his wife, her attempts were gone in vain when her son was stabbed to death by her trustee Roose Bolton. The episode ended with her throat being cut by one of Walder Frey’s sons. It was truly emotional tow watch when she begged Walder to spare her son and let him walk away and he didn’t listen to her.
Yet, Catelyn Stark is still alive in the books. She was resurrected by Beric Dondarrion and goes on by the name of Lady Stoneheart, hanging any Lannister or Frey she thinks was involved in the murder of her son.
4. The Death of Grey Wind
Each time a wolf dies on Game of Thrones, the fans become upset. This wasn’t the first time a wolf was killed in the series. Grey Wind was one of the six direwolves adopted by the Stark children in the pilot episode of the series. First Lady, the direwolf of Sansa and then Grey Wind, it was hard for all fans to watch a direwolf die. We all know how Grey Wind’s skills in the battle were praised and he was a true source of power for Robb in defeating the Lannister forces in the first couple of seasons. Yet after the Starks and the Northerners were brutally murdered at the Red Wedding, the Freys decided to kill the poor direwolf for sport as well. The worst part was watching Arya Stark the direwolf being killed and then its severed head stitched to Robb Stark’s body who was paraded across the Twins on a horse.
5. Arya Stark’s Character Arc
Arya is first introduced in the series as a tomboy who wants to become a warrior like her father Eddard Stark. Where her sister Sansa Stark dreams of being a lady and marrying a high lord, Arya only dreams of going off to war and becoming a knight. Her dreams were shattered when she witnessed the execution of her father Ned Stark on false charges of treason and she decided to take the dark path of being an assassin. Her dark path was further propelled when she witnessed the Red Wedding. Though she didn’t actually see her mother being murdered by the Freys, she did see a dead Robb and his direwolf being shot dead by the Freys. This was another incident that pushed Arya to her limits into her being such a badass.
Initially training as a faceless assassin, she returned back to Westeros and emerged out as one of the serving girls at the Twins while the Lannisters and Freys celebrated their victory against the Tullys. She first baked his sons into a pie and upon meeting Walder Frey alone, executed him by cutting his throat as he did to her mother in Season 6. She later appeared in Season 7’s opening scene wearing the face of Walder Frey and poisoning the remaining Freys, uprooting the entire House root and stem!
The Red Wedding was truly a pivotal moment in Game of Thrones which pushed the story forward, giving many characters similar to Arya their arc. She avenged the brutal murder of many Northern Houses of Westeros. Not only for Arya, but this awesome episode also changed our perspective towards the entire series with nobody safe when playing the ‘Game of Thrones’!
So, which character’s death during the Red Wedding was the most shocking thing to watch for you? Tell us in the comments.
Game of Thrones was one of the most loved TV series ever made. The epic TV series had a number of much-loved characters, fabulous storylines, and much more based on George R. R. Martin’s book series ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. The show also had a number of twists and turns at unexpected moments, we didn’t realise were coming. But, overall the series was loved by all and we can’t believe that it has already been a year since the last season of the series — Season 8 — aired, back in 2019.
The last episode of the series was named ‘The Iron Throne’, bringing the storyline to a full circle – beginning from the conflicts and scheming on who gets to be the ultimate ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and unexpectedly ending with Bran Stark becoming the King. The last season of the Game of Thrones also received some negative reviews from some fans, calling it rushed, especially with the sudden change of the character arc of their all-time favourite ‘Mother of Dragons’ – Daenerys Targaryen. Though it seemed difficult for the showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss to end the series with eight seasons with a book series that is still in progress if they would have stuck to George’s plan the series could have lasted for 13 seasons.
Despite many fans didn’t like the last season of Game of Thrones, the series still remains an epic saga with brilliant characters like Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark and many more. Remembering this epic fantasy series, let’s talk about 10 best moments from it which will forever stay with us:
1. Ned Stark’s execution
Ned Stark’s execution was perhaps one of the most heartbreaking moments of the series during the early episodes of Game of Thrones. Many of us who have read the book, already saw it coming but some didn’t know that such a character of pure goodness could be killed off so early in the series. It all started when much-like Jon Arryn, Ned too learnt the secret of Cersei’s three children and refused to call Joffrey the next in line to sit on the Iron Throne, succeeding Robert Baratheon. Though for a moment it felt like Littlefinger would support his cause of seating Stannis Baratheon on the throne but he was soon betrayed and imprisoned.
This was next followed by the trial of Ned Stark near the Sept of Baelor, where he was forced to accept Joffrey as the true heir to the throne in order to save his head and his daughters. For a moment we felt that Joffrey would really forgive him and ask him to take the black yet all our hopes were shattered when we heard him saying “Ser Illyn, bring me his head!”
2. Tyrion Lannister’s trial
There were both the feelings of happiness and shock among many fans upon witnessing the ‘Purple Wedding’ where Joffrey was poisoned at his own wedding. Not to mention who orchestrated it but the events that unfolded later weren’t any less unexpected. Where on one hand Sansa fled King’s Landing, Tyrion was imprisoned on false charges of Joffrey’s murder.
Soon, we got to see the trial of Tyrion which was preplanned with Jaime asking Tyrion to ask mercy and to take the black instead. But Shae so confidently giving a false testament against him broke Tyrion and he confronted not only his father but also the entire city which he had saved at the Battle of Blackwater Bay. The speech that he gave was then so awesome that won many hearts and hats off to Peter Dinklage for portraying it so accurately!
3. The birth of the Dragons
The end of Season 1 had many shocking twists and turns. The first obviously was the brutal execution of Ned Stark but another happened at the same time, miles away in another continent of Essos. Though there seemed no hope for Daenerys Targaryen after the death of her husband Khal Drogo and her brother Viserys, she rose to power in the last episode of Season 1. The source of her power being the three dragons born after a long time since the death of the last dragons nearly hundreds of years ago.
We assumed that there is nothing interesting left in the series after the death of Ned Stark but then the dragons were born. Daenerys emerging unburnt from the funeral pyre of Drogo with her three newly dragons shrieking, was the most perfect ending for the first season of the series that gave us the idea of what to expect from the next seven seasons of Game of Thrones.
4. The execution of Littlefinger
Petyr Baelish along with Olenna Tyrell and Lord Varys were the only three players in the series who could easily manipulate any character. Talking about Littlefinger here, he only had one plan in his mind since the very first season of Game of Thrones – to see himself on the Iron Throne one day. His speech to Varys with the lines “chaos is a ladder” in the ending scene of Season 3 still seems to be fresh for the ears. We have seen him being rat out by characters such as Cersei Lannister and Ned Stark, especially the scene where Cersei tells him that “power is power”. Yet he seemed to be going all well when compared to all the main characters in the series even though he was the one who had betrayed Ned Stark and had even orchestrated the murder of Joffrey along with Olenna Tyrell.
Even when the Starks had taken back the North after the Battle of Bastards in the sixth season, he still was manipulating Sansa until the other Stark siblings returned back home in Season 7. He still seemed to playing Sansa well for most of Season 7 by turning her against Arya but soon the tables turned against him. In the last episode of Season 7 while we thought “Why are we seeing the trial of Arya of the crimes she did not commit?”, Sansa played Littlefinger well and caught him in his own game. “Thank you for your many lessons Lord Baelish. I will never forget them” were the last words that Sansa uttered before Arya slit his throat with his own dagger.
5. The destruction of the Sept of Baelor
The last episode of Season 6 was one of the best episodes of Game of Thrones ever with the fantastic music and a slow-paced beginning. But we knew that it was building up to something which soon got revealed within the first ten minutes of the episode. While we saw the trial of Loras Tyrell go on calmly in the Sept of Baelor and understood what Margaery had been planning all along, the second trial of Cersei was awaited. But when it was too long and Cersei didn’t go the funeral at all, it was confirmed that Cersei actually had something already planned.
Soon we saw Lancel discover a cache of Wildfire under the Sept and not being able to reach towards it. Margaery soon realized what was going on and asked everyone to evacuate, much to her dismay and soon there was a huge explosion and all the High Septons, Septas, Loras, Margaery, their father, Kevan Lannister and thousands other turned to ashes in front of our eyes. Though we hated to see Cersei drinking to her victory with a smile, yet her scheming worked and all her problems seemed to be gone within the few minutes of the episode.
6. When Ser Barristan quit like a boss
Ser Barristan Selmy was one of the good people in all of the Seven Kingdoms who had been loyal to the Throne but him being mocked and being released of his duties by Joffrey and Littlefinger seemed hard enough to watch. But the way he quit and stood for himself and threw his sword and armour in front of the King was totally badass. We definitely loved this two-minute-long scene in the series.
He soon joined Daenerys in her conquest of the Slaver’s Bay, freeing the slaves from their chains.
7. The Red Wedding
Though Ned Stark’s death was heartbreaking for all to watch, much more was still lined up. Yet we still saw hope for the Starks when we saw Robb Stark avenging his father and winning battle after battle. The next in line was King’s Landing after Walder Frey would have allowed him to cross the Twins but we were soon introduced to the most gruesome wedding in the history of any television series ‘The Red Wedding’ where thousands of Northerners died along with Catelyn, Robb, his wife Talisa, their unborn child and the direwolf Greywind.
The most heartbreaking was Arya arrive to the Twins and witnessing chaos all around but soon she avenged their deaths in the opening scene of Season 7, saying “Tell them, Winter came for House Frey.”
8. Hodor’s Death
Though he didn’t have a big part to play in the series, Hodor was one of the most loved characters in Game of Thrones who had been a friend to Bran Stark during his journeys. While Bran’s mind was still in the past, as he warged we soon learned why Hodor was simple-minded and could only speak a single word of ‘Hodor’, what came next was even harder to watch. Hodor held the door long enough for Bran and Meera to escape from the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave as the Wights stabbed him to death. It was one of the most shocking incidents in the series and still seems harder to watch.
9. The destruction of King’s Landing
We all had loved Daenerys Targaryen since the very first episode of Game of Thrones and even loved how she rose to power in the east and freed slaves from chains. We even loved her being a total badass with her dragons and how nobody could stand chance against her. Till Season 6, she seemed to be the best character in the series and we all dearly wanted to see her sit on the Iron Throne but in the last two seasons of the series she seemed to be a bit deviated from a forward going character arc. But who knew that the death of second dragon Rhaegal, knowing that Jon Snow had a better claim on the Iron Throne, and watching her closest friend Missandei die in front of her eyes could push her to become like her father.
When King’s Landing surrendered to her in the penultimate episode of the series, she could have stopped the wreckage she had brought with her dragon. But she instead chose to deal with it and destroyed the entire King’s Landing and even killed thousands of innocents. It was a jaw-dropping moment for all of us and even felt pity for Cersei as she died in Jaime’s arms, whom we had hated for so long. What else remains to be said now!
10. When Arya Stark kills the Night King
The Battle of Winterfell in the third episode began with the White Walkers heading for Winterfell. The longest episode of Game of Thrones showed a fabulous battle between the living and the dead. Arya Stark whom we had waited for seasons to take a part in the battle too fought like a total badass but when she ran for her life being chased by the wights, we closed our eyes and prayed for her. But she was saved by Beric and the Hound. We saw her second meeting with Melisandre who told her what ‘blue eyes’ in her prophecy truly meant. As she told her to leave with a nod and with a familiar line from the first season “What do we say to the God of Death?” we still didn’t know what she meant.
What came next was a surprise as well. When all seemed lost and we saw Jon Snow unable to get to Bran to save him in time, we assumed that the winter would never end. Then, Arya Stark snuck in and stabbed the Night King with her Valyrian Steel dagger, killing him and ending the Winter once and for all. We all cheered to this moment as all our predictions and theories were put aside.
Other best moments from Game of Thrones include the birth of Jon Snow, the death of Ramsey Bolton, Daenerys re-taking Mereen, Arya killing the Freys, the reunion of the Starks, and many others.
Game of Thrones Season 8, the last season aired today in 2019 and now all we have are good memories from the series to cherish. We absolutely have no idea when we will get to see such an awesome series with such a beautiful storyline and strong characters we got to know. The upcoming prequel series ‘House of the Dragon’ seems a long way till we see it air on our TV screens. Why not re-watch these best moments from Game of Thrones and cherish them till then?
What was your best moment from Game of Thrones? Tell us in the comments.
Game of Thrones ended last year in May once and for all. During the Emmys of 2018, the author George R.R. Martin had revealed show could have spanned for at least thirteen seasons. We too felt the same way after watching the final season of Game of Thrones – it was rushed, and many fans couldn’t take ending well. Though the series has ended for good now, hopes are high for the prequel ‘House of the Dragon’ currently in development.
House of the Dragon is expected to premiere in 2022 and George R.R. Martin will once again come aboard for it as a co-executive producer. Hopefully, with George coming back for the new series, it will be something better, leaving the fans more contended. Moreover, the series will be written by Ryan Condal – known for major movies like Rampage, Colony, and Hercules. This is something fans will truly look forward to.
The wait for House of the Dragon is long. We don’t have any more clues about it apart from the fact that it will be set 300 years prior to the events of Game of Thrones. Moreover, it will also be based on George’s 2019 book ‘Fire and Blood’ – a book based on Targaryen history narrated from the point of view of a Maester. Yet, apart from these little details, here are 10 things we would definitely want the new series to cover:
1. The story of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne
The story of the noble Targaryen King Jaehaerys and Alysanne is worth telling. King Jaehaerys is told to be wise whereas his consort Alysanne is said to be high-spirited, charming and keenly intelligent. And the best part is that both of them were dragon riders. While Jaehaerys rode Vermithor – the third-largest dragon known after Balerion and Vhagar, Alysanne’s mount was Silverwing described as the most beautiful dragon. George’s book Fire and Flood even covers the story of the duo travelling North and how Silverwing refused to go beyond the Wall.
This story rhymes with the most recent events in Game of Thrones. In Season 7, even Daenerys Targaryen rode her dragons far North much like her ancestor Alysanne. HBO should definitely cover this storyline in the new series House of the Dragon.
2. Other Houses Involved Apart From Targaryens
The upcoming prequel series is named House of the Dragon. This essentially means that it will be a historical account of House Targaryen but wouldn’t we want to know which other houses were involved? A history and lore video from Game of Thrones already gave us a glimpse of all major houses during Aegon Targaryen’s Conquest – House Darrindon, House Stark, House Lannister, House Gardener, and others. We would love to see other major and minor houses during the reign of the Targaryens.
3. Any Mention Of White Walkers in House of the Dragon
The White Walkers remained a mystery throughout the course of all eight seasons of Game of Thrones. The opening scene which shows two of the Night’s Watch members ambushed and brutally killed by them, teased we would learn a lot about them in the series. But before we could learn more, the series was over with Arya Stark being the one who puts an end to the Night King and his Army of the Dead. So, did those symbols, Children of the Forest, and the Three-eyed Raven meant nothing?
We briefly got a glimpse of a First Man being stabbed with a dragonglass in the heart, which transforms him into the Night King. But there’s definitely something more to it we need to know out there. Since the ‘Bloodmoon’ prequel has been cancelled, we would definitely want to know if the Targaryens knew anything about the White Walkers at all?
4. Daenys The Dreamer and Her Dream
The Targaryens were one of the prominent houses in Valyria – the mightiest of all kingdoms known for its prosperity and their knowledge of mystic arts. But, the Doom of Valyria left it in ashes. House Targaryen was the only house that survived it, thanks to Daenys the Dreamer who dreamt of it twelve years ago. Targaryens then settled down in Westeros choosing Dragonstone as its seat of power.
Much like Daenerys Targaryen, there’s much to Daenys’ dreams too. We would definitely love to see this chapter in the chronicles of Targaryen history in House of the Dragon.
5. Aegon Targaryen As Focus Point Of House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon is meant to show accounts of the Targaryens as narrated in the Fire and Blood. After the Doom of Valyria, Targaryens settled down in Westeros choosing Dragonstone as its seat of power. Years later, Aegon along with his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaeneys began his conquest of Westeros.
Aegon rode Balerion the Dread and all the major houses of Westeros bowed to him and he finally became the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. We would definitely like to see this storyline being covered by the series.
6. Mystery Behind The Death Of Maegor the Cruel
Maegor Targaryen, also known as Maegor the Cruel, was the third Targaryen King to sit on the Iron Throne. He was the son Aegon the Conquerer and Visenya Targaryen. He is called Maegor the Cruel as he was a ruthless ruler much-like Cersei Lannister.
He was the one who torched Harrenhall and much like Cersei destroyed the Sept of Remembrance once the Faith of the Seven turned against the Targaryens. Though how he died always remained a mystery as he was found dead, seated on the Iron Throne. Some say he was killed by Queen Elinor, while others say he was killed by a knight of his Kingsguard. House of the Dragon should definitely cover Maegor’s storyline.
7. The Tragedy of Summerhall
The Tragedy of Summerhall was an important event in the chronicles of House Targaryen. It was a fire where King Aegon V Targaryen, his eldest son, Prince Duncan Targaryen, and Ser Duncan the Tall, were killed in a fire. It is said that the fire at the castle of Summerhall occurred due to a failed attempt of hatching petrified dragon eggs.
The tragedy also marked the birth of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen – the elder brother of Daenerys and biological father of Jon Snow. It’s a storyline worth getting a sight to the lovers of Game of Thrones.
8. Dance of the Dragons – the Targaryen Civil War
Dance of the Dragons – a civil war that broke out between Aegon II Targaryen and his half-sister Rhaenyra Targaryen for the Iron Throne. They both were the issues of King Viserys Targaryen. As a result of the two-year-long war, both of the rivals died and Aegon III was crowned the King of the Seven Kingdoms.
George RR Martin’s book Fire and Flood closely follows the story of Dance of the dragons and since the series House of the Dragon is based on it, there’s no doubt we don’t see this civil war in House Targaryen.
9. Daemon Blackfyre and How He Founded House Blackfyre
Daemon Blackfyre was a Targaryen bastard child of King Aegon IV Targaryen and he founded the House Blackfyre after Aegon Targaryen’s sword of the same name. He was legitimized by his father while dying and this started an event in Targaryen history known as the ‘Blackfyre Rebellion’.
The story of Daemon Blackfyre and House Blackfyre would be an interesting story to follow if the series House of the Dragon decides to go beyond the book Fire and Blood.
10. And, What Would ‘House Of The Dragon’ Be Without Dragons?
And finally, dragons! What would a prequel series to Game of Thrones based on Fire and Blood look like without dragons? After seeing Daenerys Targaryen’s three dragons – Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal, the fans would die to see more dragons. Balerion the Dread, Vhagar, Meraxes, Sunfyre, Moondancer – the list goes on for the new ones we expect to see in House of the Dragon.
It’s a long way until we see House of the Dragon premiere on our TV screens. With the series finally getting a nod from HBO, more and more news about it will surely surface. Don’t worry, we at Wiki of Thrones will definitely keep you posted about the same!
So, how excited are you for House of the Dragon and will it be better than Game of Thrones? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
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