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Game Of Thrones season 7 premiere has a Harry Potter reference and the fans can't stop talking about it



It won’t be an embellishment to announce Game of Thrones as the all time greatest TV show ever. Obviously the credits go to its excellent cast, direction, production, undoubtedly the jaw-dropping battle and love making scenes. But most importantly, its unique, special and never-seen-before storyline and plot. BUT, and by using the but in capital letters, I question myself and to the other Game Of Thrones fans isn’t the formerly made statement of mine an exaggeration. I am talking about the citadel scene in the premier episode of season 7 of Game of Thrones, where Samwell Tarly asks permission of the Archmaester Ebrose to access the restricted area.

Now an exact replica of that scene can be seen in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, where the teenage Voldemort (Tom Riddle) asks professor Slughorn permission to access the restricted section of the library. Later, Harry sneaks into the area to learn about Horcruxes, the objects which Lord Voldemort uses to preserve shares of his soul with the aim of keeping himself alive.

Now, call it coincidence if you will, the trivia for fun is that Jim Broadbent who played the role of Professor Slughorn in Harry Potter, is the actor who plays Archmaester Ebrose on his Game of Thrones debut.

Although it is not the first time, an actor with a role in Harry potter has played a character in Game of Thrones. David Bradley (Walder Frey) has played the role of Argus Flich in Harry Potter. Natalia Tena who played Osha- the wildling woman with bran in Game Of Thrones played the role of Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter and the list goes on.

Anyway, seems like Harry Potter fans got an upper hand over Game Of Thrones fans this time and twiterattis are picking up the moment to express their excitement over the same. Here are some of the reactions

Sam literally just became Harry Potter… talking to Slughorn and trying to get into the restricted section of the library. #gameofthrones

— Katie Wirth (@llamadetective) July 17, 2017

Lol at Sam asking Professor Slughorn for access to the restricted section without bringing him crystallized pineapple. Idiot #GameOfThrones

— Mason (@MasonJar38) July 17, 2017

Poor Jim Broadbent, everywhere he is, people are asking him about the restricted section in the library #GameOfThrones meets #HarryPotter

— ami (@essence_me) July 17, 2017


— Melissa Rosenberg (@melroseee) July 17, 2017

Imagine having a coveted role in two separate beloved series and you have lines about the restricted section of the library in both.

— Jessica Guard (@jessguard) July 17, 2017

Clearly no one left Sam an invisibility cloak to get into the restricted section of the library (you know you were thinking it) #GoTS7

— Allison Fennessy (@allisonfenn) July 17, 2017

Sam & Tom both going to the same person to get access to the restricted section #WinterIsHere

— Vicióus (@D0wJ0nEs) July 17, 2017

Is anyone else getting Harry Potter vibes from this restricted section thing? #GameOfThrones #GoTS7 #Dragonstone

— Angie Dahl (@dahlwrites) July 17, 2017

Sam going into the restricted area at the Citadel is straight out of Harry Potter! #GameOfThrones

— Andrew “Hoody” Hood (@AndrewHoody) July 17, 2017

Voldemort, you got a nice beard growing?#HarryPotter #gameofthrones

— Lord Varys (@Varys_Whisperer) July 19, 2017

I said no restricted section Samwell #GameOfThones

— Goin’ Sizzler (@going_sizzler) July 17, 2017

The part where Sam goes to the restricted section and reads about how to destroy horcruxes #GameOfThrones

— Tara Ross (@rosstara) July 17, 2017

#SamwiseGamgee asked #ProfSlughorn if he could read books in the #RestrictedSection abt people who want to live forever. #GameofThrones7

— Lindsay Spooky? (@LindsayWrites) July 17, 2017

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
